I'm also quite happy with the fact that the cure is something they are searching for together in the future and not something that suddenly happens. It also shows that finding a cure is not the most important thing for him as he's quite happy where he is.
Originally Posted by Anska
In the couple scene after the fall of the brain, it's quite nice and considerate of him to ask what the PC wants to do next but it would help if the PC could be just as considerate in the phrasing of their suggestions or maybe even a little enthusiastic, so that the dialogue actually felt like that there is nothing these two can't handle together.
Yeah, I'd really like a more supportive answer than what we have. The DUrge line about choosing their family is a bit better than the Tav one, but still not enough. I always just want to hug him when he is all "is this what you want?" ha ha.
In the epilogue I wouldn't mind a reminiscence scene in the forest clearing even if it's just for a talk. Yeah, they have been together every night for the past 6 months but as a player I don't know what they have been doing.
(I guess we will never get an improvement for the dock scene)