About the timeframe: Isn't the game set in 1490-something? I believe the date on his tombstone is 1268, that would make it more than 200 years, but I can be wrong.
Originally Posted by Veranis
I'm also quite happy with the fact that the cure is something they are searching for together in the future and not something that suddenly happens. It also shows that finding a cure is not the most important thing for him as he's quite happy where he is.
Putting too much emphasis on finding a cure also feels very much like an affirmation that being a vampire spawn is indeed something "lesser" that should be remedied - though I can understand that some people might need it for their perfect happy ending.
Originally Posted by Veranis
Yeah, I'd really like a more supportive answer than what we have. The DUrge line about choosing their family is a bit better than the Tav one, but still not enough. I always just want to hug him when he is all "is this what you want?" ha ha.
It's such a missed opportunity to not have a "There is nothing I want more." as the reply and then pull him into a hug! ^^
I also imagined that they would maybe take a quiet stroll to the forest clearing, though that would probably not mingle too well with the rest of the party unless you make it the outro - like when you leave with God-Gale. I really hope they'll at some point give him that couple-portion of the party dialogue - and switch the comments from the dock scene to the ones from his Origin.