Naturally, this is afterall just a conceptual 'what if' presentation using repurposed animations to put the point across that there needs to be a romance scene in ACT II to fill this night because it is romantically implied. Which is why I mentioned it is nothing groundbreaking, but having even something as basic as this feels better than not having anything at all.

  • If the player never romanced her in ACT I; they would actually get to experience her slightly adjusted love scene from ACT I properly in ACT II.
  • And if the player did romance her in ACT I, then ACT II would instead have a very short and simple fade to black unique scene to merely portray that she truly does belong to us that night.

The reason for this is because Larian will never ever make a completely unique quality scene for Minthara in ACT II, as she already has her love scene. Therefore it has to be the scene from Act I slightly adjusted if she was never romanced or a simple sweet and short fade-to-black scene as if she was romanced.

The reason for this is due to the fact that other companions have a single love scene with a failsafe to ensure it is not missed, along with several other romantic scenes... but Minthara doesn't have any failsafe for her love scene nor any romantic scenes either for that matter. She is a love interest without a love scene (if missed) and with zero romantic scenes.

Obviously as passionate as I am about Minthara; spending a whole week animating and creating a proper new unique romance scene for Minthara just for the purpose of pointing out her issues would be a waste of time when I have 13 more issues on my list to address and document, since I'm already wasting days being a playtester gathering feedback as it is.

But if they start actually caring and stop leaving Minthara under the care of a single unpaid intern for 7 months now, we might actually get the Minthara we deserve.

If not, then I actually will do her justice by doing everything myself.