Originally Posted by alienspacebats
Originally Posted by ValkyrieN7
So anyone knows what are those new romance lines for Shadowheart in act 2? I'm already reading informations from people that nothing new triggered for them during act 2. No new banter, no new dialogues, nothing.

Yep, I'm just into act 3 on a new save and didn't encounter any new banter at all. I did everything in the shadow-cursed lands, didn't fast travel and had Shadowheart in the party the whole time. I did wonder if it's when playing as another origin character, or if it requires a specific party combination. I don't really want to send in a ticket about it but I haven't seen a single example - the community usually shares and uploads stuff like this fairly quickly.

It would suck hard if new stuff requires origin character and not Tav. But I'm hoping it's just a bug... on the other hands, new stuff for Shadowheart and it's bugged? Goddamn...

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]