Originally Posted by saeran
Laezel is evil because of her upbringing, that she believes in and follows at the time you meet her on game.

That still doesn't make her evil.

Just because she believes in a system that she was brought up with doesn't mean she is evil.

Again, parallels to real life and capitalism. It's an overall evil societal structure (Especially when you look at corporations and their exploitation of third world labor). Yet it's just part of society and doesn't reflect in any way on individuals.

When you meet her in game... Exactly what "Evil" thing does she do? Does she kill you? Does she kill anyone else? Does she cause anyone any harm? (She yells at you and a tiefling... But that's just rude, not evil)

All she does is "Use you(r party)" to help her get what she wants... While also stating that she will vouch for your entire party so you will all get saved by the Zaith'isk too despite being non-Gith.

Originally Posted by saeran
If you insist on comparing the githyanki to humans, then frankly they share similarities with fascism

If we want to go further on this we can if you want.

The Nazi party was evil. But were all Nazi's evil? No. Some actually helped persecuted Jews escape to other countries. But these not-evil Nazi's were still part of the Nazi party because that was the societal structure at the time.

Originally Posted by saeran
She does not so out of sympathy, but because she needs you to even have a chance to make it to the creche, something she is aware of.

And according to Githyanki values, taught from birth... That is the desired outcome. All people infected by an illithid tadpole must be killed. Infected Gith, included. It's only the notion of being promised a cure from a Zaith'isk that can overcome that.

Originally Posted by saeran
I'm not sure where you got the idea that githyanki always kill on sight. You could interact with some of them without bloodshed even in original BG2.

In BG2 you're not infected with a Ghaik parasite though.

Originally Posted by saeran
The issue with Laezel's writing is that her quest is tied to Orpheus, who is practically a non-entity throughout the game.

Sure... But that doesn't invalidate Lae'zel's entire character. Nor does it make her evil.

Lae'zel's character exists independently of Orpheus and she has plenty of writing to make her an actually interesting character. It's just her personal quest is marred by the Mary Sue of Orpheus.

Originally Posted by saeran
This revolution of theirs is based on Orpheus' claim to the throne, but the problem is this claim is through Gith herself, who was the one who put gith on the path of conquest in the first place, causing the split with githzerai. So at this point the important question would be: does he intend to follow in his mother's footsteps? Or does he intend going against Gith's own ideas?

The entire point of Orpheus' imprisonment and the propaganda about his demise was that he was actively rebelling against his mother. So he was imprisoned and branded a traitor and then lies were made to cover up the fact that he had issues with the way things were.

Originally Posted by saeran
But they don't, and so Laezel's quest is about turning away from Vlaakith, only to start following Orpheus instead, the guy you know less about than Vlaakith.

True... But we know that Vlaakith is not a good leader, since she has created a society that revolves around her personal wish of ascending to godhood using deceit to offer false promises of glory and status when in reality she just wants to kill Gith to gain power for herself.