Originally Posted by Frog001
Originally Posted by Filia
Halsin also doesn't care about the Tav's consent when he asks Astarion to join their sex next time without asking the Tav if that's even an option for them.

Wait, is that banter actually in the game? I thought it was only in the datamined files.

I haven't heard it myself, I just heard it in a playlist on YouTube but have never checked for myself.

Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
I dont even think they need to do that, but Im open to it. I think it just needs to be flagged behind a Tav initiated polyship is all. Ive said before I dont mind him being open to having other lovers if thats what Tav wants to do.

But they really dont NEED to change much about his romance, just polish it up and fill in the gaps in between him joining camp and doing his portal quest. The lack of content may even work in its favor, because you can capitalize on the idea that there ARE feels being had, but theyre being held back because of fear/not wanting to be distracted from the mission.

For me personally, Halsin (as well as Minthara) need a romance quest line, even if it's a short one. Every origin character has one, so even if Halsin and Minthara are not on the same level as they are, there should be more than what we have now.
As for the kind of romance, you are right, the Tav should be the one to decide if you want to have monoship or polyship and with whom. I don't want to be forced to take Halsin as side kick + SH or Astarion if I want a poly path. They allow you to date any origin character regardless of the Tav's gender, so why did they stop there?
Sure, the amount of lines would've been a lot more, probably, so I think that's why.

Beside that: If you are in a polyship with some characters, it would be nice if they date others, so that not the Tav is polygamous but the LIs also. Like Halsin want's the Tav to have other lovers but he doesn't want to? Why does he even insist on playing by his rules then?
They just added it for the sake of having the option of Halsin being a side chick to the most popular male and female origin character, because they saw all those thirsty pictures (esp. Astarion x Halsin) on X when people still asked for Halsin and decided that's the way to go. Then they added a lot am ambiguous lines so that players could make up their headcanons with Tav and Halsin living together in a wonderful monogamous relationship while raising the orphans and it worked! Larian went for the cheapest way and it paid off.
In the epilogue, from what I remember, they never said Halsin and Tav are in a relationship, it's just that they arrive together and lived together for 6 months, not more, not less.

Again, I don't mind any polyship, as long as the player (who paid for the game) is the one to decide if so and with whom instead of being forced to a specific combination which might make people feel uncomfortable.
Of course this would need additional investment on Larian's side, but let's face it: This game is only about companions and relationship, like 90% are giving a damn about how bad the main story, the fights, act 3 and w/e are. They don't care about the lore or if the story could even work within DnD rules, they just want more kisses, more hugs and more relationship content, so just throw out a $20 romance DLC and it will be selling like sh*t.

Originally Posted by Thelxiope
Halsin's stanning from within Larian, and how his romance is treated, revolves entirely around him being a white male character whom the writers believe women should fawn over. They even make light of rape in one dialogue line from Halsin, because of their immature attitudes regarding him and sex.

So he's going to keep on getting fawned over, because he's a self-insert for numerous writers within Larian.

I have to admit, I had the same thoughts a while ago. At least I felt like the writer, who has more or less shown how much he likes SH (a character he wrote himself) that he maybe thought if he used Halsin to have sex and flirt with her, then he could write it himself or at least get a bit closer to it.

Last edited by Filia; 24/02/24 09:38 PM.

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