Beautifully written and on point with how she could and needs to be improved and given the "origin" character treatment, it is a massive undertake and is likely months away from becoming reality or even longer to see changes of this size so I hope you are mentally prepared for the road ahead, I would love to be proven wrong by seeing her get more solidified much sooner.

The one infamous dialogue that leads us into thinking a romantic scene should happen after rescuing in Act 2 I see one minor improvement you could include, by having it become Act 2 exclusive dialogue, unless Larian has a way to organically have background of a scene change if players choose to trigger it later in Act 3 instead, it would have to be moved into the romance dialogue tree whcih we all know she is lacking, assuming this is how game structures the origin characters.

I have struggled to get on here with that infamous gateway 504 non-sense but I cant think of what else to add right now that hasn't already been mentioned endlessly.

Last edited by Xenonian; 28/02/24 03:22 AM.