Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
A proper suggestion and solution would be to; have automatic dialogue trigger a pop-up window (similar to reactions) where portraits of all 4 companions show up, thus allowing the player to select which companion will be leading the conversation.

Another solution is to just get rid of automated dialogue period and have NPCs stop being hostile during combat so players can talk, something like an MMO. But the epicness of the moment would then be lost even further and it would not feel like DnD at all I believe.

This is the way, both solutions are vastly superior to the jank we have now. Forced/automatic dialogue is an infuriatingly stupid design choice.

Alternatively, Larian could also follow suit with every other cRPG in existence and allow any member of the active party contribute to dialogue and skill checks. This way, it doesn't matter who the active speaker is, everyone is included. You can enjoy using and seeing your own custom character while the resident Bard makes CHA checks.

Larian even has to audacity to include a load screen tool tip about "balancing a party for combat and conversation" and then disallow any input in said conversation from anyone but the active speaker.

I am helpful, am I not?