Originally Posted by Filia
Another good point, it's not like Halsin says "I want you and everyone else who stirs my heart" and we try to force him to stick just with Tav, it's his own decision.

It also contradicts his whole "My heart doesnt stir lightly" bit.

Also, his whole bit about needing consent before he joins Tav's established relstionship. Why does he get to set that up, but Tav has to just let Halsin do whatever he wants without their consent? Shouldnt he seek out Tavs consent, like how he made sure Tav's partner consented? So far all im hearing from his defenders is I have to put up with him doing whatever he feels like whenever he feels like and I get no say in it. Doesnt sound so "free" now does it? If he needs Tavs consent the way Tav and him needed SH/Astarions consent is it really a free and open relationship?

Last edited by AmayaTenjo; 01/03/24 10:39 AM.