Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
It also contradicts his whole "My heart doesnt stir lightly" bit.

I really had to laugh about that, as he tells the Tav how much lovers he had within the same dialogue and he even starts bragging about what he experienced. And the funniest is, he even tells you all of that without the Tav even asking.
They knew about the contradiction, as they added the dialogue option to question this whole "heart does not stir lightly" thing given his number of lovers and then he is like "I'm 350 years old."
To me personally, this whole attitude and bragging doesn't fit the character he is supposed to be.

Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
Also, his whole bit about needing consent before he joins Tav's established relstionship. Why does he get to set that up, but Tav has to just let Halsin do whatever he wants without their consent? Shouldnt he seek out Tavs consent, like how he made sure Tav's partner consented? So far all im hearing from his defenders is I have to put up with him doing whatever he feels like whenever he feels like and I get no say in it. Doesnt sound so "free" now does it? If he needs Tavs consent the way Tav and him needed SH/Astarions consent is it really a free and open relationship?

Yeah at one point he seems to care about the consent, but the next moment it's just him deciding. This whole character is a living contradiction.
Lets take Mizora. If you sleep with her, Halsin thinks that it's okay to do so, so that leads to one question. If Halsin needs the consent of Tavs partner to join them because they are in an existing relationship and he doesn't really care that he never gave his consent to the Tav having sex with Mizora, does that mean he doesn't even value what's between him and Tav as the same as what's between Tav and their first LI?

Not sure if it's only me (seems not, someone else commented this on YouTube) but the way Halsin's voice sound after the Mizora scene feels a bit like he is not totally honest with his words, like it's hurting him more than he might admit. It just didn't sound the same as for SH or Astarion, it sounded way more hurt and I was glad that at least someone felt the same like me. If it's all about doing as someones wishes to do, why does Halsin even say that he has to give his best next time to not be boring after we tell him how good the sex with Mizora was? I don't think that's how it's supposed to be in a polycule.

If you want to answer to any of my posts with just hate, please just don't answer at all.

If you want just to white knight everything and can't accept opinions, please don't even answer me.

Thank you!