Originally Posted by dwig
I failed every single saving throw against the harpy song in one of my deaths. At least it was early and I didn't have much time invested yet.

The harpies are brutal! They would have TPK’ed me if my paladin didn’t have the shield spell from a sorcerer level. Close call for sure.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
I have completed one honor run and died in more . . .

** puffs self up ** I like to think I'm an expert in dying now.

I died on Ansur because I too the alert feat instead of the war caster feat. Every time I had the globe of invulnerability up I would lose a concentration check and it would go down. Next time I either use the spidersilk armor or take the feat.

Died at the mountain pass because I lost the initiative roll - badly - and the gith killed us before anyone did anything. (next time I'll take the alert feat I think . . .)

Died at Oliver because I went in without metaknowledge. Was over quickly.

Didn't have much trouble with Grym

He always falls for minor illusion. Use it to get him under the hammer.

Thanks for the tips! Actually the one on using minor illusion REALLY helped with Grym. All of my party members just stood up on the broken stairs far away from him, used minor illusion to lure him, and then shot all of the levers with arrows to kill him with the hammer without the loss of a single hitpoint. Pretty crazy.

Definitely going to brew some necrotic resistance potions for Oliver. (I’ve heard elsewhere that this is good.) And using globe of invulnerability with someone great at concentration checks is a nice tip for Ansur, thanks.

Last edited by Ecc2ca; 02/03/24 06:22 AM.