Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
As for the emails; haven't sent a single one, a waste of time. These single post issues I'm posting here on a daily basis are just to highlight all of Minthara's issues and keep the discussion going. My primary focus remains solely on finishing my mega feedback list which I am visually formatting to include all of my videos/images posted here, so it looks nice and proper once it's live.
Technically speaking, making a report is just a few clicks away. You've already written them quite nicely here, so you could just copy-paste this to them. Not a lot of time wasted XD

I fully understand your frustrations though. I haven't been there since EA, but look at it this way: why do we think Minthara is being neglected? I always remind myself the majority of the playerbase don't exactly recruit Minthara. Most people like to play good and the knockout method is too much of a hassle for casual players. Less people playing with her means less bug reports, and Larian's modus operandi seem to be popular demand. What better way to encourage them to prioritize her more, if not by sending in more bug reports and suggestions? Also, this forum has been almost completely inaccessible so I'm not too optimistic they will see your posts here, which is a huge shame.

For the record, this is not me trying to excuse their negligence. After 7 months, letting a major bug that replaces 90% of her lines slip past their radar has removed all doubts, they definitely don't care for her as much. But I think this is the least we can do, plus reports haven't been a total disappointment imo. They fixed a couple bugs I reported recently: Minthara unsheathing her weapons unprompted and an unvoiced dialogue at the House of Healing. The Emperor bug will also be addressed in the next hotfix according to Larian's CM on Discord.

Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
I just saw your screenshots, but I cannot confirm this as she always loses the Nightwarden prefix for me once she's a companion. Her 'True Soul Of The Absolute' title under her name naturally never goes away though. It could be a mod you're using perhaps, as I don't play with any and never had that happen.
About this issue, I loaded my saves today and the "True Soul of the Absolute" title is indeed there until the end of the game. I think I just haven't been paying attention, and mods don't seem to affect this XD - so yes, thanks for pointing that out! This is likely an oversight and it's been added to the spreadsheet.

As for the "Nightwarden" prefix, I can confirm this disappears after she joins your party, and only then. By that I mean literally joining your party of 4, not recruitment. I long rested a few times after recruiting her and the prefix stays. So, if you go the entire game without ever asking her to join your party, it is very likely the title will never be removed. I personally don't take much issue with this, but it does make me wonder why they decided this should be the trigger. Frankly, I've also wondered why "Nightwarden" was ever added to Minthara at all when she doesn't even serve Lolth during the entire course of the game XD

Originally Posted by Veranis
The bug I was writing about is tied to travelling back to Act 1 with or without her AFTER you recruited her. It occurred for me when I recruited her at Moonrise and then went to the crčche afterwards (without her). This was in a playthrough started about a week before patch 6 dropped. So this bug is not fixed.
Ah, unfortunately, I haven't been able to reproduce this bug. Prior to Patch #6, I took Minthara back to Act 1 using the Silence spell as per my friend's suggestion and I didn't have this problem. Yesterday, I decided to go back to the creche without Minthara, leaving her at camp, and her battle lines seem to trigger normally when I got back to her in the Shadowlands. Maybe this depends on how you recruited her? I bonked Minthara for this save and the gobbos are dead.

You're not the only one though. My friend had this issue too a while back but sadly she already forgot the specifics. Please let me know if anyone else encountered this bug :'3


Another bug I found while testing the issues above: one of her idle animations is broken. It's the one where she brings out her knife to stab the map on her table. I long rested with her after a fight and this is what I woke up to.

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

Minthy stabbing the air out of sheer spite >:3
What's interesting is I can move her around and she doesn't automatically return to her tent, so now she can chill with Withers and Arabella.

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

No idea what could've caused it. I don't have any mods for this save and I did a full clean up before starting it. Idle animations go through a cycle though, so I was able to get Minthy back to her senses by re-entering the camp.

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.