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Ametris Offline OP
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Originally Posted by Anska
Yes, normally, but in the gamified fanfiction that is her Origin, she is Tav and hence desirable and desired by any and all. Including the bad boy beau bloodsucker, who squeezes her name into basically every line during their modified tête-à-tête in the woods, so that it really does sounds like exceptionally clunky fanfiction, dreamed up by the horny-teen-soldier who desperately needs romance in her life.

Whenever I feel a little disgruntled that they didn't even bother to change the approval for blood drinking during sex for Gale, the way that scene was handled with Karlach reminds me that there are worse things than neglect.

Ah, yes! He indeed says her name in every sentence. He keeps repeating it in the epilogue too. So much cringe! astariondisapprove

The contrast between his canon behaviour towards her when you play as Tav and when you play as Karlach is just hilarious.

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Originally Posted by Lorna
But as much as I would like to change the expressions I don't think they are going to do it...we are a minority. I'm thinking about it carefully and I'm sure Larian wants to make it clear our character is being abused. It doesn't matter if you like AA, the goal is to make you feel like you've made a mistake and realizing this makes me so sad that I can no longer enjoy my evil path if I'm romancing him (or maybe the solution is just to ignore my Durge's sad face) I don't like to complain and bother Larian about something secondary like kisses, I can see all the work and effort they are doing to improve this game but for the first time I have found myself needing to send feedback because I have felt bad about something that was supposed to be good for all fans...Idk. At least it's nice to know I'm not alone in this matter.

And the key word is "make" everywhere, throughout the story. Make you feel like you've made a mistake. If you haven't previously MAKED Astarion stand "on the path of redemption". Feel the hand of lawful stupid goodness at your throat (and make the appropriate facial expression). I needed the path of evil in the first place to shield Astarion from this very "good", to give him the opportunity to be himself and do whatever he wants, that's the main enjoyment of "evil" for me - freedom. No redemption, no humility, no hunger, no burning and "be comfortable for them", "stop being an asshole to those around you". And one could enjoy the evil way, if the "paybacks" were realistic - betrayals of some companions, difficult fights with some Lathander paladins, vengeful gur from other clans - things that could really get in the way of a couple of vampires. But they needed to strike through Astarion, at Astarion - in a way that would set off triggers and guaranteed to make the player understand. Kisses, specifically those kisses - it's no longer secondary, it's total annihilation.

Originally Posted by LiryFire
The most frustrating part is that it's literally rewriting story. Yes, it is. Here
Just traveling, enjoying life together or making power in the city together.
I hope Larian doesn't rewrite the original narrative.

It's true that the epilogue has other answers besides "freedom?" - where lover and ally.
Which really gave hope, as here have written, that the line of complex evil would continue in a pretty good way.
But now the kiss literally victimizes and distressed player. A kiss.
There is a strange, obscure to me opinion in the community that evil - must suffer, not happy, not able to love tenderly (or does it only work with Astarion there must be a reason ranging from DnD to real psychology).
Evil is punished in fairy tales. If something is evil (it does), there shouldn't be anything else and it's still bad if anything is - reduction to caricature. B&W, Purity culture.

In my opinion caricaturing evil, flat out, is a devaluing of good. They should be equally appealing to themselves to make it fun to think and play.

This only works with Astarion. Heterosexual men can safely carve up a grove for Mintara and enjoy it, Shadowheart the Dark Justiciar doesn't bully his lover (with Shar forbidding love), etc. You can any evil without any caricature or punishments, under one condition - male player. I would add that Purity Culture = Culture of Violence in this case. And "good" is not just devalued, it becomes a rapist, a dictator. Immediately associations come to mind with how cruelty and violence in human history has always been done "in the name of good". And law. And now the game is trying to impose "law" through violence. I wonder, of course, what the real law "On Intentional Causing of Moral Harm" says in such a case, but hardly anyone cares.

Originally Posted by Ametris
Originally Posted by LiryFire
What stresses me out the most is the 7k story, as if it's a good(?) thing to let them go. "It's okay, everybody's OK". As stated in the letter. Even if they say it's good in big letters, I won't believe it. It's just trading mortals for undead though. Because zero chance that 7k undead won't bring death, and they're already. In the developers notes it says "pure evil" when one of the spawns is overcome by hunger. Also killing them is called "mercy killing". Just kill. Kill for Power. Leave it in the cages. Let it go.

The obvious attempt to emotionally manipulate us with Sebastian and the Gur children and paint an army of feral vampires being let loose (which is full of former petty criminals, street drunkards and brothel-goers, who are now much more powerful than before and will take advantage of it against their targets, also hungry and very likely insane after decades of rotting in their cells) as the right thing to do will never cease to amuse me.

"Kill out of mercy" - hero. Use them for a ritual that will give Astarion everything - freedom, sunshine, strength, independence - you're a scoundrel who "killed 7000 for some comfort of one". Yes, my Tav is a scoundrel, she will kill for Astarion if necessary, and more. And... Astarion will bring her to her knees in random for it. Why? Because, "If you don't like it, don't ascend him." It's just that those who hate Astarion haven't come up with any other option to make "don't like it". Maybe it's a calculation for new players who really won't like it beforehand, and the old ones can just be traumatized and thrown out of the game.

Originally Posted by Darkangel1211
Good thing I’m at the point where I’ve stopped playing BG3.

The morality police and general trolling was already too much for this AA fan and the kisses really sealed the deal.

The salt in that wound was that these kisses came from Larian themselves… if that doesn’t show their intentions towards AA, including MORE CENSORSHIP for his sex scene, I don’t think anything will.

I’ve logged my feedback with Larian and I’m done with this universe. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that one day vampire fans will truly get an RPG where ‘dark power couple rules eternally’ will actually be a thing, but for now it’s a pipe dream.

You're lucky! A bit jealous, I really wanted to go through again with DU and Astarion. I also hope there will be those who will do better.

One life, one love - until the world falls down.
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I tried playing Origin Karlach and romancing Astarion but.. there were a lot of inconcistencies with her touch that threw me off in act 1. Then in act 2, his confession still made it seem like he was banging her, which was not possible in act 1. After that I was just not immersed in the romance anymore. Oh dear, now we're going to get a unique confession for Karlach.

I think Astarion/Karlach would be the one romance I'd be fine with being impossible due to their very different natures and how much the tenderness and closeness from sex is pivotal in Astarion realizing he might want a more serious relationship from the player. It was extremely awkward when, during the forest scene, Astarion asked Karlach what to do because he can't touch her. I can't imagine him putting himself in that vulnerable position. He is confident when it comes to sex because that's what he knows really well, and I find it hard to believe he would make himself vulnerable putting himself in a situation where he doesn't know what to do. It was just jarring seeing Astarion's personality shift so much to accommodate Karlach's romance.

Last edited by Metarra; 01/03/24 04:46 PM.
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Originally Posted by Metarra
Can Spawn Astarion please get more kisses? If they're already in the works then disregard!

I love the work that was put into AA and that we got so many cool new kiss animations with AA. The problem with the AA kisses is the expression on Tav/Durge's face during the kiss. The expression during rough and degrading kisses does not fit how I roleplay my character that ascended Astarion. I know AA is a bad ending and I know his actions and words can be considered abusive. Most adults understand these things, so why is a negative expression forced onto my character's face during AA's kisses?

My character is a dark urge who likes pain a little too much and she wanted to know what her own burning flesh smells like when Priestess Gut branded her. She went through Abdirak's beating gleefully. The dark urge throughout all of act 1 can pick dialogue options that highlights they like pain and blood.... but then they have to look disappointed when AA kisses them roughly or in a degrading manner? Why? I'm hoping this was just an oversight by Larian and it will be fixed eventually.
Originally Posted by Nicolean Complex
I can't believe I actually signed up to join the forum - I've been a long time lurker, lol. But just reading about it isn't cutting it for me anymore. I am a woman in her late 30's. I have been playing RPG via tabletop or video games for about 20 years. I have been into Vampires since I learned of their existence. I have been "Team Lestat" since I was a teenager. (Louie, Louie, Louie, always WHINING). My mother & I used to watch True Blood - if any of you remember or watched that show there was this one scene with this vampire named Franklin, he had kidnapped one of the characters because he was in love with her. She was very upset and crying and he walks in and says "Who made you cry? I'll KILL them!!!" My mother and I looked at each other and said in unison "I WANT A VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND!!!" (we're both freaks like that).

I am also a survivor of DV & SA. I went through a lot of healing and established healthy coping mechanisms. I have the occasional flashback, or PTSD episode if something triggers it, but I am very lucky that a lot of things that used to trigger me now no longer do. WHELP, I didn't realize it at the time because it seemed so silly, but Patch 6 triggered a PTSD episode. I didn't play the game for over a week, and avoided videos talking about it, cause it would spike up my anxiety. When I realized what happened I was able tostart my helathy habits again, and took to the forums and some of the AA youtube channels (shout out to Dark Urge Diaries, Nirrart, & Nyloth - I love your work!) to see I wasn't alone. I emailed Larian, and posted on the discord (oh boy what a toxic crapshow that is) my feedback and it's basically the same as everyone's here: We know it's not *healthy*, we don't want tooth-rotting fluff with AA, we want "Dark Romance." Obsessive, possessive, passionate. And it feels like instead of letting us explore and roleplay a Dark Romance in a safe environment, we now are being forced to simulate intimate partner violence. Like wtf?

Originally Posted by Sereda2
I understand people being uncomfortable with the shove/slap and the kneeling too (not my thing personally) BUT if Tav had a different expression, I'd be fine with them. If she appeared to be enjoying the power play it would be fun. If Tav only responded with a smile, a little laugh, even a cheeky wink, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable at all. Anything to show that she knows it's a game and is happy to play along. As things stand, it doesn't look like a game at all, just abuse.

So when I originally saw the "bite kiss" and the face shove I HATED it.... for reasons above. Then I realized I actually hated it for the same reasons I disliked the other kisses, Tav's face. An old boyfriend of mine used to shove my face away from him kinda like that, especially when I was teasing him. It was playful, there was no malice behind it at all. If after the shove Tav's face was a cheeky little smirk I'd be so down for it! Cause that's literally what I used to do! On the kneeling one, I just don't like that it can trigger in public cause like, don't force your kink onto others. I don't have any issue with the scene in private, besides again... the player's face. being shown in absolute terror at a partner grabbing my throat brings back TERRIBLE memories. Showing a face that is more sultry or pleased when he grabs their throat would bring back HAPPIER memories like when my partner & I were exploring those dynamics with trust and consent and it was HOT.

Amazing what just a facial expression can change.

I think you and I would get along really fine in "real" life lol. I just agree with everything you've said here and I don't know if you've read my previous posts but I too have experienced some VERY disturbing things with my ex husband which still triggers me to this day. Usually video games never triggers me, I'm not that soft but patch 6 just did with that throat grabbing, something i didn't expect and didn't want to admit at first, it's not an easy thing to admit for me tbh, I'm often worried to be seen as weak.

But on to something else, I really just wanted to comment on your "True Blood" thing, I absolutely LOVE that show!!!! And I could never get why she didn't like Franklin LOL laugh He was such a protective, dark boyfriend aaahhhhhh..... My favorite was the vampire Eric!! ??? That's the thing with me, I too want a dark romance with a dark hot vampire who is possessive, it's just so attractive but I don't want the abusiveness, it has to be consensual!

This thread has been going on for a while now and Larian has a way of being silent sometimes even though that they are aware of the situation but it would still be nice to know if they intend to do something about it. Just correct the facial expressions and I'll be happy.

Btw, I apologise if my posts and quoting always looks a bit weird, it's because I always write from my phone so I can't edit like I want to....

Last edited by Gunsumber; 01/03/24 05:25 PM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
You've just opened the Pandora's box for me. Thank you. Really, no jokes.
It was never Tav/Durge and Astarion. All the time it was Karlach/Astarion. That’s why we got scary face, strange kisses or tooth-rotting fluff instead of normal romance with neutral evil character.
I was angry before, but now I can only laugh.
No comments.

Last edited by hikmitta; 01/03/24 05:26 PM.
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Originally Posted by hikmitta
It was never Tav/Durge and Astarion. All the time it was Karlach/Astarion. That’s why we got scary face, strange kisses or tooth-rotting fluff instead of normal romance with neutral evil character.
This is what I've been fearing to think about. What if Astarion's writer no longer writes him.. and it's been handed to Karlach's writer? It's also entirely possible the original writers have moved on to other projects and what's left is... staff writers? I just hope one day that Larian will not dislike Astarion fans so much. AA fans do get more crap than spawn Astarion fans. While I prefer spawn Astarion, I can see the lure of AA from a different point of view. But even spawn Astarion has been handled oddly with how little content he gets compared to AA. Prioritizing Karlach's content over content that involves Tav/Durge is also strange.

I ask for more quality content from Larian (which is what we usually get) but without preaching and without being so on-the-nose. Stuff that is too 'on-the-nose' isn't good storytelling and can be insulting to the reader or player's intelligence. The best example of a recent on-the-nose situation is the negative facial expression on Tav/Durge's face during the AA kisses. The negative facial expression during the kisses is way too much exposition. The kisses themselves are degrading which gives all the exposition anyone needs. The negative facial expressions are overkill, too on-the-nose, and ruins any roleplay immersion or dark enjoyment that could have been possible.

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Ametris Offline OP
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While the forums were down again, I worked on another pic to show how "wonderful" this patch is:

[Linked Image from]

These are Tav's faces after being kissed in patch 3 and in patch 6 in case anyone was wondering.

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Another thread dedicated to Patch 6-victim-Tav-face while kissing on Valentine's Day.Here

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First those awful one-sided answers after the ritual that was on the release. this

Literally: 1. I want power. 2. F me. 3. School 4. F you

Kisses with a disgruntled face, the only ones in the game.
The game doesn't reveal Astarion's dominance in the romance, falls from the sky, clumsier and with that Tav face, it's just insulting.
There's no kiss or hug in the epilogue (but there's no kiss at the spawn either, strange)

Last edited by LiryFire; 03/03/24 08:57 AM.
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I don't understand Larian's approach. I would have assumed that any company that created a character as popular as Astarion would be estatic that he has been so well received. The marketing department certainly seem to underestand they've got a winner in him, because he is very prominent on the promotional material.
However, the shoddy treatment S. Astarion received in Patch 6 along with Tav's reactions to A.Astarions kisses makes me wonder if the writing team realises just how popular he is. Either that, or that they do understand the appeal but would like Astarion fans to go sit in the corner and reconsider their choices (not a nice way to treat your customers).
They've struck gold and surely commercial sense alone should tell them to run with it.

They may not have intended A.Astarion to be a popular choice but they should have realised that a devilishly handsome, charismatic character with evil alignment is absolutely going to fire people's imagination much more than any good aligned character ever can. The amount of Astarion fan art out there is huge, I've had friends send me memes who don't even play BG3. Right now, I'm wary of encouraging them to take the plunge because I know they would romance A.Astarion and probably end up here saying much the same as I am.

The guys got their waifus with Shadowheart and Karlach, the evil aligned Minthara definitely needs her story fleshing out but Larian haven't censored her the way they have Astarion and they aren't trying to get fans to go and choose somebody more wholesome.
I do wonder if the issue is that the present writers aren't comfortable writing for characters that don't appeal to straight men, or maybe they don't see giving the player agency to decide how they want to relate to a character as very important. It feels they've decided to make A.Astarion story one of 'the cycle of abuse' continues whether the player likes it or not, and for reasons I cannot fathom, S.Astarion is just neglected.
Astarion's voice actor is enthusiastic about his character, the fans are enthusiastic. I can't fathom why the writers don't seem to share that feeling at all.

Just leap the flames to take a chance...
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Ametris Offline OP
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Originally Posted by Marielle
If you haven't previously MAKED Astarion stand "on the path of redemption". Feel the hand of lawful stupid goodness at your throat (and make the appropriate facial expression). I needed the path of evil in the first place to shield Astarion from this very "good", to give him the opportunity to be himself and do whatever he wants, that's the main enjoyment of "evil" for me - freedom. No redemption, no humility, no hunger, no burning and "be comfortable for them", "stop being an asshole to those around you".

Ah yes, the "good" path where he becomes a defanged, tooth-rotting fluffy human in a vampire skin, dependent on his great protector and completely adjusted to them, palatable to teenagers so they can swoon over him being their babygirl. He loses his temerity, sarcastic sense of humour and sexual kinks and is a broken man in full on copium mode, trying to hide his growing depression. He's someone who burns in the sun while his so-called friends mock him (I know they're finally working on it, but it's only because of so much criticism) and will always have to drink blood and deal with many inconveniences and then watch Tav die. Also, apparently being equals means owning nothing and being happy.

Why does he need redemption anyways?

Astarion: You can't blame a spawn for the sins of his master. Any good monster hunter should know that.
Ulma: True.

Maybe they could focus on making his "good" path actually good, rather than destroying the alternative one where he finally feels safe and confident enough to drop his masks and show his real, dark self and is obsessively in love with someone who helped him achieve his ultimate revenge. He doesn't need fixing. He's perfect the way he is. They can shove their childish morality lessons, manipulative tactics and propaganda where the sun don't shine.

Originally Posted by LiryFire
First those awful one-sided answers after the ritual that was on the release.

Literally: 1. I want power. 2. F me. 4. School 1. F you

Kisses with a disgruntled face, the only ones in the game.
The game doesn't reveal Astarion's dominance in the romance, falls from the sky, clumsier and with that Tav face, it's just insulting.
There's no kiss or hug in the epilogue (but there's no kiss at the spawn either, strange)

This! Writers' impositions are all over the place.

Originally Posted by Sereda2
I do wonder if the issue is that the present writers aren't comfortable writing for characters that don't appeal to straight men, or maybe they don't see giving the player agency to decide how they want to relate to a character as very important. It feels they've decided to make A.Astarion story one of 'the cycle of abuse' continues whether the player likes it or not, and for reasons I cannot fathom, S.Astarion is just neglected.
Astarion's voice actor is enthusiastic about his character, the fans are enthusiastic. I can't fathom why the writers don't seem to share that feeling at all.

Somehow they managed fine with Gale, Halsin and Wyll in this patch. It's only Astarion that got messed up.

I won't be amazed if by the time Astarion's VA is done with his BG3 playthrough, his character will be completely ruined. The hatred for him is just too visible. No one else changes their personality and has their sex scenes censored in subsequent patches.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
While the forums were down again, I worked on another pic to show how "wonderful" this patch is:

[Images not quoted]

These are Tav's faces after being kissed in patch 3 and in patch 6 in case anyone was wondering.

This is perfect! The clown face and "Favourite is an ugly word, I really do prefer consort" ... Thanks for the laugh! hahaha

Originally Posted by Sereda2
I do wonder if the issue is that the present writers aren't comfortable writing for characters that don't appeal to straight men, or maybe they don't see giving the player agency to decide how they want to relate to a character as very important.
I think they have been quite good at giving us a platform to roleplay our characters in most parts of the game, which is why the post-Ascenscion dialogue and kiss reactions are so baffling. They don't match with anything that comes before or after.

Originally Posted by Sereda2
It feels they've decided to make A.Astarion story one of 'the cycle of abuse' continues whether the player likes it or not[...].
And this is where they dropped the ball imo. They forgot that they wrote for an rpg.

While Astarion was a wonderfully complex character before the Ascension quest (one of his biggest appeals for me), they turned him boringly one-note after that with the latest changes.

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Location: Wales
I'm kinda wondering why on earth I paid full price for a game writer to preach at me if I'm honest.
And those facial animations and the odd bit of dialogue are plastering it on with a trowel.

What on earth is the agenda here?

I've never accepted moralising lectures (mother tutting at me also counts) from anyone, at all, ever, without kicking against the traces.
Completely fail to see why its suddenly become a thing in an RPG and only with one character.
More than one character has a 'dark' path.
I mean, come on Larian, fairs fair, upset everyone equally.

Why just Ascended Astarion? And why 6 months after release and as a Valentine?

Never had these issues with any other game I have played and I'm older than DnD itself by some considerable margin.
I've played an awful lot of games, never been preached at in any of them - till now.

Last edited by Bethra; 03/03/24 07:55 PM.

# Justice for Astarion
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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Bethra
I'm kinda wondering why on earth I paid full price for a game writer to preach at me if I'm honest.
And those facial animations and the odd bit of dialogue are plastering it on with a trowel.

What on earth is the agenda here?

And if their agenda is, to destroy the entire Romance? To make it unplayable? What then?

"I would, thank God, watch the universe perish without shedding a tear."
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Joined: Feb 2024
So I picked up the game again and when I reached to the point of the kisses, this time with spawn Astarion, I noticed a "slightly" scared face on my Durge... Maybe it's just me seeing her that way after all this talk about these other kisses but still I swear I made her kiss him several times and while she doesn't look AS scared as with AA, she suddenly has a slight scared look upon her which she definitely didn't have before. I'm wondering if it's a general Astarion thing now. Could any of you guys test it out sometime? I'm a bit curious to know if it's just me that sees it that way or not.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Gunsumber
I'm wondering if it's a general Astarion thing now. Could any of you guys test it out sometime? I'm a bit curious to know if it's just me that sees it that way or not.

Just tested and they are the same as before for my DU (no scared face).

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Yesterday I decided to check what would happen after killing the brain if I parted with Astarion. He used to laugh and say no. Now this has been expanded, he is so angry and says that we are not going anywhere from him, the tadpole is no more, we will be with him, and he will rule the Baldur's Gate. look at YouTube. This is such hopelessness. Tav's face is so unhappy at the end. It's not pleasant. What do you think about it?
it literally shows that he can control us frown

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by illeaillas-san
Yesterday I decided to check what would happen after killing the brain if I parted with Astarion. He used to laugh and say no. Now this has been expanded, he is so angry and says that we are not going anywhere from him, the tadpole is no more, we will be with him, and he will rule the Baldur's Gate. look at YouTube. This is such hopelessness. Tav's face is so unhappy at the end. It's not pleasant. What do you think about it?
it literally shows that he can control us frown

Yes, this scene is a little bit expanded, but not a lot. AA is more angry and dramatic than before, but nothing new. This scene was never cute and he never let you go. He mentioned tadpole before patch 6.

Meanwhile, My Durge started to have extremely sad face after telling that he rejected Bhaal because he wanted to conquer the world with Astarion.
This new reaction annoys me terribly. No roleplay here. Again.
You are not allowed to be happy with AA anymore

Last edited by hikmitta; 04/03/24 03:25 AM.
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Originally Posted by Metarra
This is what I've been fearing to think about. What if Astarion's writer no longer writes him.. and it's been handed to Karlach's writer? It's also entirely possible the original writers have moved on to other projects and what's left is... staff writers?

Yeah, that's terrible. I read that the original authors are already working on a new game "about space". And in that case, "supporting" (ruining) the game would probably be people who fantasize about a woman with her face contorted in horror being strangled on her knees on Valentine's Day. And those who think women deserve such a "moral lesson".

Originally Posted by Sereda2
I do wonder if the issue is that the present writers aren't comfortable writing for characters that don't appeal to straight men, or maybe they don't see giving the player agency to decide how they want to relate to a character as very important. It feels they've decided to make A.Astarion story one of 'the cycle of abuse' continues whether the player likes it or not, and for reasons I cannot fathom, S.Astarion is just neglected.
Astarion's voice actor is enthusiastic about his character, the fans are enthusiastic. I can't fathom why the writers don't seem to share that feeling at all.

That's the impression I get too. Look at how they are actively shoving in the "brutal" Halsin on the background of the disdainful and frankly mocking attitude towards Astarion. A mediocre, boring character, in many ways just copied from the druid from Diablo 4 - appearance, form of a bear, which must be separately pumped, though he did not offer sex to anyone there, because Diablo is not about that and there is no special plot there. His only "original feature" is his annoying attempt to have sex with Tav and their romantic partner. And no one condemns those players who drag Astarion into that nasty threesome with Halsin, even though the fact of the matter is that using someone who was already traumatized by it to satisfy their own perverted desires while thinking it's okay is far more characteristic of a person than killing some backstage 7000 spawn we don't even know. But if you tell them about it, they start yelling that it's a game feature, that since it's in the game, it's okay, that you can't insult other players' roleplay... They can insult the player - but only the players who help Astarion become stronger. His masculinity, his aristocratism is only truly revealed after Ascension. And someone hates him so much that they want to either "punish" him properly or throw out of the game those who want to see Astarion like that, who want a nice happy epilogue with him.

And about the marketing department, it's completely unclear. Either they "missed" it, positioning the game primarily as a sex store, and thinking that Lord Astarion is the "D/s department" (well, who's going to figure out that the partner in this case does not make such a face), and players will like it, and for those who do not like it, there is a button to "refuse Ascension" (that's how we play role-playing games, right?). Or did they feel that "moralism" in a game that utilizes sadism for educational purposes is a selling point? I don't have any hope for the writing team to get someone in there, even if not as talented as the previous team, to at least not be harmful. But maybe the guys in jackets, who like to count profits, will still realize that it's better to release a product without mocking the end consumer...

Originally Posted by Ametris
Ah yes, the "good" path where he becomes a defanged, tooth-rotting fluffy human in a vampire skin, dependent on his great protector and completely adjusted to them, palatable to teenagers so they can swoon over him being their babygirl. He loses his temerity, sarcastic sense of humour and sexual kinks and is a broken man in full on copium mode, trying to hide his growing depression. He's someone who burns in the sun while his so-called friends mock him (I know they're finally working on it, but it's only because of so much criticism) and will always have to drink blood and deal with many inconveniences and then watch Tav die. Also, apparently being equals means owning nothing and being happy.

Why does he need redemption anyways?

He doesn't need to. Players who played in very early access wrote that Astarion attacked if they refused to help him with a ritual. That the "path of the Spawn" was added later, due to the fact that these same teenagers wrote letters to Larian with snot and demanding to let them "fix" Astarion. Astarion began to be "softened" in order to make him "more palatable to the players". It's not him who needs it, but the audience of teenagers and bitchy female fans to suppress and "fix" him in the first place. And the aforementioned heterosexual men can let them do that, but the rest of us - be kind enough to romance those who resemble those very same heterosexual men's fantasies about themselves. Or - get punched in the face and know your place.

Originally Posted by Ametris
Maybe they could focus on making his "good" path actually good, rather than destroying the alternative one where he finally feels safe and confident enough to drop his masks and show his real, dark self and is obsessively in love with someone who helped him achieve his ultimate revenge. He doesn't need fixing. He's perfect the way he is. They can shove their childish morality lessons, manipulative tactics and propaganda where the sun don't shine.


Yeah, by the way, make a "good" version with healing from vampirism at least, weak? Or does someone have to have "drama" and "he's a vampire and must go into the darkness"? What makes you think anyone owes you anything at all? Yes, in our game we could have sent any "debt collector" from NPCs or companions to a place where the sun will never look, if the plot had a realistic "counteraction to evil". But here the "gods" decided to intervene...No, really, go there yourself, make your own mass-market spawn, be happy, but at least get away from the Ascended, let people play in peace in the world they want to be in, not in the one they themselves want to "plunge into darkness".

Originally Posted by Ametris
Originally Posted by LiryFire
First those awful one-sided answers after the ritual that was on the release.

Literally: 1. I want power. 2. F me. 4. School 1. F you

Kisses with a disgruntled face, the only ones in the game.
The game doesn't reveal Astarion's dominance in the romance, falls from the sky, clumsier and with that Tav face, it's just insulting.
There's no kiss or hug in the epilogue (but there's no kiss at the spawn either, strange)

This! Writers' impositions are all over the place.

But you can hug Halsin in the epilogue, and there are a lot of "flirting" lines for him. And this "kind character" will stare at you in such a way that you have to remind yourself that Tav is a powerful enough character and can hit him, otherwise it would be uncomfortable. Spawn's hug, by the way, is somewhat fake, more like a friendly hug. He smiles artificially, as in the first chapter, his eyes are slightly squinted again, and he doesn't snuggle with his whole body, as he did at the end of the hug in the second act.

Originally Posted by Ametris
Somehow they managed fine with Gale, Halsin and Wyll in this patch. It's only Astarion that got messed up.

I won't be amazed if by the time Astarion's VA is done with his BG3 playthrough, his character will be completely ruined. The hatred for him is just too visible. No one else changes their personality and has their sex scenes censored in subsequent patches.

The best character and the worst treatment of him. Give Larian the " bullying of the year" award. It's true that "year" is a bit small, in the past years this was not observed with the games either.

Originally Posted by Veranis
I think they have been quite good at giving us a platform to roleplay our characters in most parts of the game, which is why the post-Ascenscion dialogue and kiss reactions are so baffling. They don't match with anything that comes before or after.

The first and second chapter were great.

One life, one love - until the world falls down.
Joined: Nov 2023
Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by illeaillas-san
Tav's face is so unhappy at the end.(
Of course if Tav clicks on let's break up, the implication is that Tav wants it. And if Tav says no, Tav will be upset.
Unlike the kiss, Tav has everything in place here
Though rather the Tav, who agreed to become spawn and killed monsters all the way were more angry than sad. I see...
No one thought to add I don't know the choice of emotion? Because Tav who gave the dancing fish someone and betrayed everyone the whole game isn't going to make that face.
I'd actually like my character to call it tease-test how far Astarion can go in his possessiveness. If the Evil Lord let go of his love (ah yes a pet toy for fun, not true love for AA never) it would just be lame.

He was always catching the luluz about this. But on the release his face was bit calmer and cheerful when he says "remember", incidentally like the epilogue.
The main thing is that in the epilogue if you play along this line of "freedom?"-Tav, Astarion doesn't stand there for a few seconds with an evil face like in a children's cartoon. He's in character, sighing "not again" and almost sulking and wailing.

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