As I said we all have our opinions and that's okay and even more: it's very good.
To your point then and my opinion
The real person who was abused in this love scene is player's character. Main reason is in lolth-sworn drow culture where active side in relationship is woman and she can choose any male she wants and he ofcourse can say "no" but it will be death sentence. The only difference is when two drow woman fight over one male in which case losing side can even kill him out of spite. Can't argue if your character is female but for males I think it is 100% right point. I would even say Larian Studios made this moment is too light. I think if you refuse her desire then she must try to kill you not just make on you some insults.
How I understand dominating of the Absolute: infected do not loose their personalities. It's the same person but with religious obsession about absolute. You can see that if you play as elf for example. Even that you're true soul doesn't stop her from insulting you. Or if you male drow remind you about your lower status. (Actually sad that there no more quotes about other races. Would be funny to see because lolth-sworn drow barely embrace other races as intellegent. Hope they add more insults in the future :-D). Even if you accept her desire and then refuse to go to Moonrise towers then she says:"I take no pleasure in what I must do. In another life, I would have taken you as my consort in Menzoberranzan". So it's her decision to eliminate you not order from the Absolute.
After rescuing her from Moonrise towers when you can speak about that night you can say "You belonged to the Absolute then. I don't even know who you really are". She will answer "When we lay together, I was myself for the first time since they butchered my mind". So she didn't consider herself as a victim in case of love scene in ACT 1.
For me writer did a good job here. Everything is fine for me except only one thing where is inconsistency. If she was herself that night and likes you then her romance is developing really slow in comparison with neutral/knock out ways. Or it should develops quicker because there was already relationship in ACT 1 (even when you rescue her in mindstorm you get "Relationship" advantage") or neutral/knock out romance should develops much slower. In perfect world there should be way recruit her in ACT 1 after that night when she speaks about comfort without voice of the absolute.
Yes, you can conterargue that she considers her mind butchered but this is another inconsistency for me. Because at the end of ACT 2 she speaks about "Idea" which was indoctrinated with tadpole and ofcourse memory changing. Too much individuality and intelligence for butchered mind. The real one butchered mind is bugbear below Moonrise.
Last edited by Bloodshed; 04/03/24 12:55 PM.