I guess this is the point where I feel like you are either misunderstanding me or you are trying to twist my words (something that you have been accused of before), so it should be in my best interest to not bother really answering you, so I will keep it somewhat short.
You repeatedly try to sneak in accusatory questions designed to push the other person into a defensive position. That's not a style I'm interested in, and it's likely a reason why you've had to mute so many. Surely, they didn't appreciate it either.

1. I never said that a DM has a duty to never let players drive an NPC away, I said that any DM that limits the space of decisions unnecessarily would likely not be a good one.
2. I never said that Halsin has anything against Seldarine drows and even if he is okay with them, that doesn't free him of racism in general, even if he differentiate between their religions. Whether or not the religion they follow is good or evil is not the crucial point.

I know this is part of your personal agenda against Minthara and don't get me wrong, it's okay if you don't like her, that's totally fine. To me personally, I think Halsin's decisions are inauthentic.
Other than that, I think we can agree to disagree, as that is something that you experienced several times now within the fandom (although you claim everything against you isn't true, there is enough proof).

That being said, I accept your opinion, fully knowing this is something you are not really capable of (as you showed more than once).

Originally Posted by AlexZebol
Originally Posted by Icelyn
For me the issue isn’t that the first Act is missing anything from EA (the datamined stuff was never in EA and who knows if it would be good or not) but instead how his romance doesn’t follow the serious nature of his character in EA. Instead they gave him a nonserious meme romance that was seen as a side fling to an origin character romance. The added epilogue content helps, but to me he is still missing the option of a serious romance path for the rest of his romance.

It also feels like a joke if you play origin Karlach and romance him.
He doesn't go to Avernus with her, but promises to look for anything that could help her with her engine. What happens in epilogue? He was chilling with kids the whole time and couldn't be bothered. John did really ruin his character with his bloody rewrites, turning otherwise (in EA) serious and mature character into a horny freak. And that Drow dialogue in Act 3? Completely out of the blue and doesn't lead nowhere. Johnny boy ruined Beast in D:OS2, mischaracterized Shadowheart in Act 3 and did that to Halsin - how he is still allowed to do this is beyond me.

What does "muh irredeemable evil" Minthara do in the meantime? She bloody weeps and begs Karlach not to waste her life like that, if she decides to stay in Faerun and die. Otherwise, despite her supposed ambition for power, she volunteers to venture to Avernus to kick Zariel's butt with or without Karlach, risking her life for someone she truly loves. Curious isn't it? (I honestly refuse to categorize her as "evil". Much like BG2's Viconia she has all the chances to switch alignment to lawful neutral given the proper choices and companion quest)

The Karlach ending is so bad and I really felt embarassed and shocked when Halsin was happy at the epilogue and didn't even care about her or finding a solution for a single moment. Even when dating the Tav, Halsin sometimes comes off as a selfish creep, but the Karlach ending is just plain bad and makes me question his love for Karlach.
I refrain from blaming John just because we were asked to do so, so I end this statement here.

Last edited by Filia; 04/03/24 08:50 PM.

If you want to answer to any of my posts with just hate, please just don't answer at all.

If you want just to white knight everything and can't accept opinions, please don't even answer me.

Thank you!