Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Originally Posted by V_Ben
Fixed a bug causing Minthara to keep repeating a greeting that also happened to be a nice little Act III spoiler.

And by doing so replaced her buggy ACT III spoiler with a buggy ACT II spoiler. Sigh... what else is to be expected for Minthara.

In what century can the community start expecting the patches to actually start fixing Minthara and her numerous issues that have gone completely ignored for 7 months straight, instead of introducing more issues to an already pitifully barren and broken character that doesn't even have the most basic content available 7 months into release?


  1. If the player already met Minthara prior to meeting Sazza, while speaking to Sazza the player will act as if they never met Minthara.
  2. If the player already met Minthara prior to rescuing Sazza, during their scene Minthara will act as if she never met the player.
  3. If the player never met or joined Minthara during ACT I, during Minthara's Moonrise judgement scene the player will still act as if they met and joined Minthara despite never doing so.
  4. When Minthara joins the group, Karlach and Wyll do not have their comments about her joining the group.
  5. When Minthara joins the party, her auto-enablement of the tadpole system causes the narrative to treat the main character who never consumed any tadpoles as if they did.
  6. Minthara does not have any variation to her greetings. Her one and only greeting is her eternally spammed "You wish to consult me?" line.
  7. If Minthara dies as an active party member, all companions including the player will still be triggering their ACT I rude remarks towards her corpse.
  8. When Minthara officially becomes a love interest, she does not have any romance scene nor a morning talk afterwards despite clearly implying the night is supposed to be romantically private and sexual.
  9. As a love interest Minthara does not have any romantic greetings, only ever uses her single "You wish to consult me?" neutral line.
  10. As a love interest Minthara is missing her relationship dialogue branch, because of which she can't be asked how she feels nor can the player break up with her.
    [Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
  11. Minthara's unique Dark Urge dialogue branch becomes unavailable due to a bug with Sceleritas Fel's camp scene in ACT II where he approaches the Dark Urge about killing Isobel.
  12. When Minthara doesn't have her armor, handwear or footwear slots equipped, her body mesh will be missing parts of the mesh related to those slots in the leveling menu.
  13. Minthara does not have her laughing voice line when using the [Sentient Amulet].
  14. Minthara does not have her camp decoration at the Elfsong Tavern in ACT III.
    [Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Originally Posted by Capricorny
Hey Crimsomrider, you should post all of this great info on the feedback section for BG3 on Discord. They fix a lot of bugs from the posts over there so you should share all of this! I don't think Larian really looks at this forum because of how buggy it is, you know? frown

Isn't it enough that Crimson does this work voluntarily... Why can't Larian stop half-hearted, not very prospective, not very holistic fixes instead... Characters like Minthara don't just have to be reworked in one place, but comprehensively. You don't even need Alaundo for a prophecy of this. That fact one should pay even less attention to their own official forum, where bug reports are "documented", than they already do says a lot.

Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 07/03/24 05:37 PM.