Originally Posted by BananaBread
Originally Posted by Ametris
Oh really? And what did the post say?

I'll PM you. It might hurt someone's feelings if I post it here.

Thanks. It was an adorable read. I especially liked the part where someone claimed I was trying to spread a false rumour when I merely answered someone's question in one post and mentioned what I'd heard, which everyone was free to disprove and then, when I was corrected about a thing that was not right (thanks again, jinetemoranco), I admitted I didn't know the whole story.

But whatever, everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

Originally Posted by KiraMira
It would not surprise me if they have taken something completely out of context and twisted the words, AA bullies seem to love doing that. And I have to say it's very cowardly of them making a post somewhere else so they don't have to defend themselves. No spine in their cruel husks.

Yes, apparently we don't like Astarion and suffer in act 1 and 2, lol. For the record, I'm fond of him in all the acts, I just dislike how the spawn path post-Cazador turned out (and said multiple times I wished it was better and made suggestions how to improve it) and how they're now messing with the ascension route.