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With todays hotfix#21 out and as seen from the logs, MInthara's reactivity got fixed!
It's the reactivity bug where Empereor/illithid was spoiling and overriding the rest of her reactions.
Least in my old save which was started when patch 5 and hotfix 16 was released, Minthara is so far working as intended with her reactivity, so happy to share this and eeger to hear from others how you experience MInthara now. laugh

Going to start a new game from scratch and see how well it works and whether anything else needs attention.

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This is a bad joke at this point. Holy shit.

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#JusticeForAstarion #JusticeForTheRealFansOfTheRomanceWithAstarion
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Maybe she has prescient abilities....

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Minthara's unique Dark Urge dialogue branch may become unavailable due to a bug with Sceleritas Fel's camp scene in ACT II where he approaches the Dark Urge about killing Isobel.

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Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
I think you unfortunately overestimate Larian's ability to release a single patch that doesn't break Minthara, because... well... now she says this instead;

Bloody hell, Larian.
It has been seven months and my favorite character in game is further reduced to a walking meme.

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Seriously, I was quite happy about this one - when I got this the first time. Halsin never ever commented on Mystra's command in my game.

Oh and about the tadpole thing: We left the Shadowcursed lands to visit the crèche, when we returned I had Minthara eat all the leftover tadpoles in the trunk and the companions reacted as if my character had eaten them. That probably belongs into the same category as the wrong reaction from the Dream Guardian.

Last edited by Anska; 07/03/24 03:04 PM.
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I made it to Moonrise towers in my current playthrough.
Knocked out Minthara at the Druid''s grove in Act 1, and found her in the MT prison. I let the guards stop their torture and helped Minthara release her mind from the absolute.

I then fought and killed all the absolutists in the prison area.
After that Minthara had become unresponsive. I can't talk to her and she won't move.

I went out, killed all the guards on the docks and returned to the prison, but Minthara still just stands there, unresponsive like any barrel or burlap sack.
A bug ? Or am I still missing something ?
(hotfix 21 installed)

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That is a bug which was already present from before todays hotfix and happens under a certain permutation, so this is not a new bug introduced by todays hotfix and I had it bug reported about a week ago.

To me it happens inconsistently if I side with goblins, delve into fears and fail persuasion checks with Minthara so that she forces me to non-lethal knock out at camp when ganged up by goblins in the camp, so once I reached the prison area I had to do the dice checks during rescue with disadvantage as we were not flagged into a relationship by the game.

Perhaps its less permutation depended than I thought.

Last edited by Xenonian; 07/03/24 05:53 PM.
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In act 1 I pretended I would open the grove's gate and then betrayed Minthara. In the battle that followed I knocked her out and killed all the other assailants. (Robbed her weapons and armor)

In Act 2, I let Ketheric send her to prison. When I found her in prison afterrwards, convinced the interrogators to let me handle it and then linked with Minthara to push the absolute's mind-torture out.
The inquisitors were surprised and then I opted to attack them together with Minthara.

After they were dead, Minthara became "plant-like". No conversation possible, no movement from her side.
So meanwhile all absolutists in the prison and on the docks are dead. The thieflings and gnomes are saved and in moonlight inn. I took a long rest, returned to the prison and Minthara remains in the same unresponsive state. The marker for the quest "decide on Minthara's fate" is still there on the minimap.

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Behaves exactly the same for me, only times when this is not happening for me is when I sided with Minthara in Act 1, get the romance scene and successfully stay on her good side before she leaves for Moonrise Towers.

Since i started a new game from scratch today I am going to play the side of being evil same as before (recruiting Minthara without non-letha measure) just to see if it happens under that permutation too, in which case sucks if it does because since introduction of patch 6 it only happens to me inconsistently when its through non-lethal way of recruitment path.

Last edited by Xenonian; 07/03/24 06:17 PM.
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I recruited her via knock-out (before the most recent hot-fix) much like you described Ido, just that I knocked her out in the goblin camp. I tried it via defending the Grove but some unfortunate explosions forced me to return to a previous save.

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Originally Posted by ldo58
After they were dead, Minthara became "plant-like". No conversation possible, no movement from her side.
So meanwhile all absolutists in the prison and on the docks are dead. The thieflings and gnomes are saved and in moonlight inn. I took a long rest, returned to the prison and Minthara remains in the same unresponsive state. The marker for the quest "decide on Minthara's fate" is still there on the minimap.

It really is unacceptable that one of the companions is THIS buggy and non-functional several months after the release of the game. How on earth did they break her so badly? The fact that they removed a dialogue bug and replaced it with an almost identical dialogue bug is exasperating. (It looks like what they cared about in this case was making sure the plot wasn’t spoiled, not actually fixing the character.) This shouldn’t be happening.

It seems like Larian needs to take this more seriously and get all hands on deck until BG3 is actually finished. They released it unfinished, and in my opinion they’re obligated to continue working on it until I no longer have to continually plan my game around possible bugs. Or get my honour mode game spoiled by bugs. Savescumming should be a luxury, not a necessity.

Bumping this thread because I am dead tired of the fact that there is a relentless stream of Astarion fans complaining about one facial expression in one kiss animation, when the man already has the most content out of every character, and some of the other characters need attention. Especially Minthara.

Edit: I was able to recruit Minthara under patch 5 by making her temporarily hostile, and knocking her out at the goblin camp. Then in Act 2, the guards in the prison started torturing her, and that’s when I killed them. After she recovered slightly from being tortured, I could talk to Minthara and recruit her. She was responsive. I haven’t tried under patch 6 however, not sure whether this would work now without bugginess.

Last edited by Ecc2ca; 07/03/24 08:54 PM.
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Thank you, Crimsonrider, for lobbying on Minthara's behalf. She is one of my faves. It seems her content was unfinished when it came time for Larian to press the gold master, so to speak. They could have removed her companion content and just left her as a boss villain like the other two goblin bosses. Instead, they included the unfinished content they had.

On the one hand, I'm glad we're able to enjoy what content there is. On the other hand, Minthara's potential as a character is woefully unfulfilled. With the complexity of her story background, she could easily have a rich, deep companion plot line on a par with one of the origin characters. In her current state, she does not.

Under those circumstances, it may have been best for Larian to keep her companion content out of the release and save it for a BG3 "expanded edition", taking the time and care to make her a full-fledged party companion. She certainly deserves some TLC and the royal (noble?) treatment. I hope Larian finishes what's clearly a half-finished job and brings back her VA to build an expanded role for her. Considering her vast, loyal fanbase (of which I count myself a member) and the half-baked, buggy nature of her current incarnation, it would be awfully nice for Larian to just release a BG3 "Minthara Edition" as a free download. You yourself have certainly earned it. With all of the time you've put into finding and reporting Minthara bugs, Larian really ought to pay you as some kind of part time QA contractor. You're practically doing one of their employee's jobs for free.

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I tried some more things (like attacking her) but nothing changed.
So I went back to an old save prior to my interfering with the torturers and restarted from there.

Instead of convincing them to let me do the torturing, I took the last option : Tell them to let Minthara go.
This resulted in the beginning of a fight of course.

When the 2 cultists were dead, I told Minthara we would leave immediately. In the previous run I told her to wait so I could clear the prison from the remaining cultists first.
So we went to the door directly and this time she followed. I made her invisible and we rushed to camp without further fighting. She is there now, and the quest "decide Minthara's fate" is completed.
I'm not recruiting her yet, I want to go back with my current party and eliminate the cultists from the docks and prison , and free the gnomes and thieflings again. All this progress was lost by going back to that old save.

When Minthara thanked me for saving her, there was a difference between the first time (when she blocked) and this time. This last time, we also connected psionically and she saw all of our previous adventures and the prism and guardian that protected us. The first time this cutscene didn't occur. Maybe -- and this is just a hypothesis -- the previous attempt blocked because this cutscene didn't play and Minthara couldn't move until it was done. I base this theory on no evidence at all, just observing what was different.

For people who still are moving on in Act 1 or 2 and haven't confronted Min in the prison yet, these choices ( move her out as quickly as possible without any firther fights) may be an option that circumvents the bug.

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I also noticed that only the guards in her cell and in front of it reacted to her. When moving with her to the docks right after freeing her, the guards on the dock did not bother us at all. Later, when she had become my companion, I got a warning that I should maybe not take her into Moonrise again ... but none of the guards registered her at all.

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As quoted from a friend who doesn't want to be named "it was in the datamine since launch, but since it was labelled as unreachable up until patch 5, people thought they had realized it wasn’t a good idea and were in the process of rewriting it, but turns out they decided to go through with it anyway for some reason. "

If you
reject bhaals legacy and power,
while it makes sense in the context of power to see a fresh outrage coming from a drow such as Minthara with her ambition revolving around power and if your approval of her is high enough the break up does not actually happen, supposedly if it falls (mine was 99 and did not move down not even by 1) down below 40 you get the option to persuade her into staying in relationship with you later on, but on the flipside of this writing it also feels just inconsistent as this is the only sure way for the dark urge to reach the epiloque with Minthara, I was under the impression that the dialogue would be slightly reworded to reflect the narration changes in respect of epiloque.

If this was planned and written with epiloque in mind, why not just keep it unreachable to a point where its ready for a proper release along with the consequences or is this just a way of testing the waters to see how playerbase reacts to it?

I actually enjoyed and loved seeing MInthara get heated up here but at the same time it felt a little inconsistent that seconds after so, she whispers in a soft tone "come to me" as we indulge in yet another passionate kissing scene, maybe in a future update she will temporarily become independed and retreats back to camp sulking over the loss of power and we can reconsile with her? and if you already in a romantic relationship you can just pass the dice check on it. laugh

Highlighted in red is what I feel would be the next best logical step to do, the same manner of treatment like Karlach received upon death of Gortah, retreating back to camp.. what's your thoughts on this?

(edit) I see this as an opportunity to have more dialogue content for Minthara with a possible romance scene played when reconsiling with MInthara, where this time around we would be doing the leading in an extensive manner to pamper her up with, this would fill in the gap for lack of a romantic scene for MInthara in Act 3 after all...

Last edited by Xenonian; 07/03/24 11:26 PM.
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I can't belive they really managed to bug her further!

Originally Posted by Xenonian
I actually enjoyed and loved seeing MInthara get heated up here but at the same time it felt a little inconsistent that seconds after so, she whispers in a soft tone "come to me" as we indulge in yet another passionate kissing scene, maybe in a future update she will temporarily become independed and retreats back to camp sulking over the loss of power and we can reconsile with her? and if you already in a romantic relationship you can just pass the dice check on it. laugh

Highlighted in red is what I feel would be the next best logical step to do, the same manner of treatment like Karlach received upon death of Gortah, retreating back to camp.. what's your thoughts on this?

I'm not a fan tbh (even though her VA's delivery is perfect as always). I can accept her being upset, but the "we are done" is just too much. It really sounds like a break-up after all you have accomplished together (and after you rescued her).

She of all people should sympathize with DU not wanting to be a slave to Bhaal. So we should be able to calm her down by telling her that. But instead she just shows contempt.

I guess her stomping off and us being able to reconcile at camp would be a good compromise if they insist on leaving this in. A real break-up would be unacceptable.

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It goes against every prior dialogue with her. Her poor experiences with
Lolth, Absolute and Bhaal's (and as a matter of fact also Myrkul's) chosen led her to a rather deity defying stance. She's mistrustful of gods overall and even states herself: "Bhaal, Lolth, the Absolute... They do not have followers, they only have victims"

It certainly feels like does as much harm to her characterisation to have enabled this dialogue... what if this was simply a clumsy oversight and it wasn't meant to come out yet?
Would have felt so much more better from a narrative point of view if it had rather been in the process of a rewrite for this moment in the game, so thats all I could think of in terms of compromise if its really here to stay as is.

Last edited by Xenonian; 08/03/24 12:19 AM.
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Originally Posted by Xenonian
It certainly feels like does as much harm to her characterisation to have enabled this dialogue... what if this was simply a clumsy oversight and it wasn't meant to come out yet?
Would have felt so much more better from a narrative point of view if it had rather been in the process of a rewrite for this moment in the game, so thats all I could think of in terms of compromise if its really here to stay as is.

This dialogue has been in game since launch but was flagged IMPOSSIBLE. I really hope this was just a bug with the flags as they are constantly mucking up her dialogue triggers right now. Apart from it being ooc for her this would also mean that a DUrge player would never have the chance to see her romance epilogue.

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