Originally Posted by Ametris
Originally Posted by BananaBread
Originally Posted by Ametris
Oh really? And what did the post say?

I'll PM you. It might hurt someone's feelings if I post it here.

Thanks. It was an adorable read. I especially liked the part where someone claimed I was trying to spread a false rumour when I merely answered someone's question in one post and mentioned what I'd heard, which everyone was free to disprove and then, when I was corrected about a thing that was not right (thanks again, jinetemoranco), I admitted I didn't know the whole story.

HAHAHA. It was sooo funny to read their comments xD Thank you for linking this. "Also these two messages, coming from the same user, are flabbergasting." Oh yes, haven't you noticed? I am a schizoid psychopath, lol
Why don't you come here? We will have a lot of fun together! wink O wait...

In any case, it was an exciting excursion. shadowheartgiggle

[Many people seem to forget that Baldur's Gate 3 is a rich fantasy role-playing game and not some kind of real-life simulator.]

Last edited by Zayir; 08/03/24 11:50 AM.

"I would, thank God, watch the universe perish without shedding a tear."