It goes against every prior dialogue with her. Her poor experiences with
Lolth, Absolute and Bhaal's (and as a matter of fact also Myrkul's) chosen led her to a rather deity defying stance. She's mistrustful of gods overall and even states herself: "Bhaal, Lolth, the Absolute... They do not have followers, they only have victims"

It certainly feels like does as much harm to her characterisation to have enabled this dialogue... what if this was simply a clumsy oversight and it wasn't meant to come out yet?
Would have felt so much more better from a narrative point of view if it had rather been in the process of a rewrite for this moment in the game, so thats all I could think of in terms of compromise if its really here to stay as is.

Last edited by Xenonian; 08/03/24 12:19 AM.