I think people are really over estimating the value of the Divinity Engine.

Remember EA where it was possible to die in that fire surface near Gale's intro point? Remember failing to make the jump before meeting Lae'zel?

I'm not a programmer but to me it looks like the devs simply eliminated the problematic barriers and left the terrible pathfinding in place. The didn't improve the pathing, they altered the maps. Which means the toons are not going to like any map not specially designed for them to navigate. Anyone who tries to make a dungeon with this engine going to experience the same frustration EA players did.

Moving toons around in BG3 is a chore and the chain system simply sucks. If you ignore the superb graphics, companion interactions and voice acting and soley focus on the fundamentals of the BG3 engine we left with something inferior to any of unity engine games and indeed the infinity engine games.

This why no one played the NWN version of BG2. Why make the same game with an inferior engine? If people want to take another swing at that I'm not going to interfere but you don't need to be a diviner wizard to accurately predict the results.

"Hey dev, why does my toon keep walking into lava? What gives"