Originally Posted by rendemption
All evidence seems to point towards this being cut content, but I'm ready to eat my words. I have lost all faith in Larian XD

That this is just cut content that got falsely flagged together with all the other bugged dialogue flags for her is the only thing still giving me hope. Especially the fact that she'd break up directly after confessing true love (which is a pretty big deal for a drow) is mind boggling.

Originally Posted by rendemption
If her anger is a kneejerk reaction, as in her fear overwhelming her and causing her to act without thought, I can see this making sense, but there has to be a follow-up and the breakup itself has to be rewritten to not revolve around "You rejected glory, and I reject you."

Agree. I'd actually like that tbh. It'd give her a new depth. She broke her cold mask in a moment after seeing DUrge die and being confronted with the fact that they might actually lose. She could even apologize for her outburst to a high approval romance.

With all the bugs it has caused I feel adding her for a good playthrough was not worth it. She was one of the few perks we got for an evil playthrough and now we don't even have that.

Big thanks to you and @Crimsomrider for compiling all the bugs!