Joined: Oct 2020
I've waited a bit to ask the question, but I've noticed that since patch 6, the number of critical misses is quite a bit higher than the critical hits. It doesn't matter, btw., if karmic dice is enabled or not. The setting seems to have no influence. I still get the latter, but the number of critical misses is far higher - at least 2 to 1, probably even higher. I 've playing RPGs long enough to be aware of the confirmation bias, so I tried to make sure that it just isn't my impression, but an actual fact. As an example, during a string of about 15 or so skill checks yesterday I got three 1s (and two in a row), but no twenties. Now the obvious answer is of course that RNG is RNG - this just happens. And I'd agree, if I hadn't seen something like this happen frequently since patch 6 hit. I'm curious if anyone else have noticed this since patch6. I know the quirks of RNG, so I am very hesitant to say that this is a bug, but it is a noticeable derivation.
Joined: Feb 2024
I think there is something very strange going on with the dice sometimes. This is sort of unrelated, but in one instance I was savescumming the persuasion check with Lae'zel in the Zaith'isk, I naturally failed the check multiple times, but the weird bit is my 3-4 inspiration rerolls were the same result every single time. I eventually passed the check - it's not impossible, but highly improbable I was rolling the same number every single reroll.
I always play with karmic dice off.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I think this skew occurred already before patch 6. I can only imagine that die has actually 30 faces. 3 faces with a 1 on it, 2 faces for every number lower than 10, and one face for every other number.
Last edited by ldo58; 27/02/24 03:04 PM.
Joined: Jan 2024
There are some definitely funky rolls now. One Lae'zel did six straight misses in one combat. My character did some unexplainable misses, and in my fight with Ketheric, he did two critical misses in a row.
Joined: Sep 2023
I’ve notice a lot more misses but it seems enemies are also missing as well
Also I can’t change The add my dice(pc) to to the add mechanic. Instead it just combines all my modifiers and gives me the total on the dice. I miss the actual roll and then it adds all modifiers
Joined: Jan 2024
I am very quickly learning to hate these Gith Monks, who so easily avoid my every sword stroke!!!!!
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Joined: Sep 2023
So real talk, there are ways to improve your rolls in combat. Like taking the Great Weapon master fighting style or the Savage Attacker feat. Plus increasing the primary attack stat improves rolls. So. I haven’t noticed the dice rolls being particularly weird. But there are things you can do if it bothers you. Halflings also start with the Lucky feat, which helps with rolls. Some things to consider. But I don’t think that the dice are loaded or unfair.
Last edited by Ecc2ca; 29/02/24 06:53 AM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
Great Weapon Fighting class passive: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon, that die is rerolled once.
Savage Attacker feat: When making melee weapon attacks, you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result.
Lucky feat: You gain 3 Luck Points, which you can use to manipulate either your rolls, or an enemy's rolls.
In addition, the “bless” spell also improves attack rolls slightly.
Joined: Oct 2020
I wasn't really complaining about the misses as such. I've played since Early access, and since then combat rolls are sometimes really weird. Especially Shadowheart seems to have a penchant for missing. But I had a fight yesterday where in one sequence with 6 attacks and an 80 % hit chance I missed all of them, and had three critical misses in a row. The character had the lucky feat, actually, but was out of luck - I usually blow them on conversation rolls. The point here is the abundance of critical misses, either in fights or in skill checks, and the dearth of critical successes. During that fight, I had five or six critical misses including that three-in-a-row streak and no critical hits. And this is more or less the experience I've had especially since patch 6 was released. The RNG feels really off. I'm an old fart and I've been playing RPGs since the original Bard's Tale (yes, that's 1985), and this is the first time I ever complained about the RNG. I mean, you always complain that the dice are loaded against you. That's just part of the game. But this feels different.
Joined: Jan 2024
"you always complain that the dice are loaded against you. That's just part of the game. But this feels different."
Yeah, I developed this theory that programmers were all teenage twerps on an ego trip to harass everybody in the gaming world.
Joined: Jan 2024
However, there is something definitely about these rolls now. I've never seen so many critical misses. And it looks like the enemy are the only ones who roll critical hits, and they do two in a row on a regular basis.
Joined: Oct 2020
For me, since the last hotfix rolled in, the situation has normalized. I mean, the dice are of course still loaded against me, but the ratio of critical misses to hits seems to be about normal now, and I started having critical successes at skill rolls again, something I sorely missed. Since this really changed for me right after the hotfix was installed, I assumed Larian changed or fixed something. There is of course always the possibility that I have been extremely unlucky.
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Joined: Jul 2017
I actually don't see a difference from pre- to after Patch 6. I seems to be very random. I had quite a few 20 in dialogues lately (when I did not need them, of course) and only one 1 since Patch 6, as far as I can remember. Pre-Patch 6 in one important dialogue I had two 1 in a row, that was "funny" (Honour mode, sadly).
Joined: Aug 2014
Questions about the randomness and bias of die rolls have been raised since EA, but hard data remain very scarce. Wouldn't it be nice to have a die roll logger?
Joined: Jan 2024
Questions about the randomness and bias of die rolls have been raised since EA, but hard data remain very scarce. Wouldn't it be nice to have a die roll logger? I would love to see something like that. These rolls are so crazy I'm staying away from the game. I watched one battle where my character had -at least six-misses/critical misses in a row and the opponent did two critical hits in a row and killed me. I have a 14 Dex, so I really don't understand al that missing.
Joined: Aug 2023
I have a very hard time believing that Larian has implemented something "fancier" than the very simple srand() / rand() for rolls. Like: unsigned diceroll(unsigned n, unsigned times) { unsigned i, res = 0; for (i = 0; i < times; ++i) { res += 1 + n * ((unsigned) (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX)); } return res; } This is extremely trivial. Also, why Patch 6 ? I've seen such complaints since I got this game, i.e. since Patch 1. I watched one battle where my character had -at least six-misses/critical misses in a row and the opponent did two critical hits in a row and killed me. I have a 14 Dex, so I really don't understand al that missing. Dex only has influence on attack rolls if you (a) have a ranged weapon or (b) have a finesse weapon.
Last edited by Halycon Styxland; 12/03/24 10:23 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2023
I have a 14 Dex, so I really don't understand al that missing. You can click on that fancy little combat log window on the right. When you click on the name of an attack you can see the math and know exactly what went wrong .
Joined: Jan 2024
I have a 14 Dex, so I really don't understand al that missing. You can click on that fancy little combat log window on the right. When you click on the name of an attack you can see the math and know exactly what went wrong . Yeah, about that combat log. I've seen it, but as far as I can tell, it goes away after combat is over, so I don't know how to access it.
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Joined: Nov 2023
It fades when it is inactive. You can click on it and it will reappear. That little notepad icon to the right, just in case.
Last edited by Anska; 12/03/24 11:32 PM.