Originally Posted by LiryFire
If they wanted to make a cycle of abuse story, they should remove:
1.) AA turning the player by choice
2.) AA consistently asking the PC what they want, and honoring that free choice
3.) His consistent use of the words "us" "we" and "our"
4.) His dialogue with Minthara in which he denies her request to become immortal, citing that he only intends to share it with Tav/durge
5.) The prophet of Bhaals prophecy of dying in each other's arms at the end of the world
6.) His "lovers forever", and "ask me anything and it will be yours" dialogue
7.) The three bites and sharing his blood method of turning you.
8.) The PC waking the next day, without the three day, buried and resurrected spawn method of turning
9.) AA telling Tav he doesn't understand his power yet, and begrudgingly asking them to be patient with him (consistent with his "I'm doing this to keep us safe" story line)
10.) AA going along with Tavs desires during the epilogue
11.) Everyone commenting how healthy and well you are in the epilogue
12.) The dialogue where you can ask him to be gentle when he turns you, and he complies
13.) AA's post Orin fight dialogue to durge, telling them how free they are to decide who they want to be
14.) Tav standing in the sun post tadpole
15.) AA appearing in the epilogue at all, frankly. Cazador never would've gone to a dirt party with Astarion in the woods.
16.) The "You're the one that I want. The one that I love," line when you don't immediately ask to become a vampire.
17.) The epilogue line, "My power would be nothing without you. You complete me."

I'm sure I'll think of more. But if Larian wants to lean in, by all means, lean in. Actually write a good, abusive character. Make it *consistent*. Don't just throw in a dv kiss scene. It's a gross and heavy handed way to handle a sensitive topic.

18) You weren't afraid of me, I always appreciated that. (right after the ritual and as a friend in the epilogue)
19) The time will pass when we will meet a real challenge. (in romance, speaking of fighting together against those who interfere with plans)
20) The whole thing with Karlah and the trip to hell to fix her engine (he refuses if just a friend)
21) The whole Absolute Ending.

22. Don't be afraid, I'll protect you. Arai Oblodra.
23. Epilog. Everything I need stands before me.
24. Epilog. If TAB has become a mind eater. Lord A's less wrinkled brain emits love hormones.

11 to elaborate: : We can tell Jahaira that my home is near Astarion. Gale can be told that I have found my love. Sheduhart tells us that we look good and are clearly not sleeping on the ground.