After observing for quite a while I want to take a moment to urge everyone posting here to refrain from the unnecessary aggressive and accusing tone. I think everyone's frustration is understandable but the entitlement is not.
While I agree harsh language in this context is unnecessary, they are still very much valid criticism for the game.
I'm a little shocked that someone would call this entitlement tbh. Minthara fans are some of the most patient and dedicated people in the BG3 community from what I've observed, perhaps due to her being a somewhat obscure character too. The new change in this update caused polarizing reactions and the language some people use may be considered aggressive, but can you really blame them?
When Minthara�s intended recruitment makes you lose out on a heap of content and two companions, do you see any online petitions being made about this? No, people sought to make suggestions and constructive feedback on how to improve it. When it seemed like it was a lost cause, someone called Rukongai put their time and effort into crafting a mod to provide us with a solution.
When Minthara couldn�t be romanced at all due to a flagging issue, do you see any Twitter riots about this? No, people used Script Extender to manually set the �Partnered� flag by ourselves so we can actually access her romanced dialogues - which are incredibly scarce and could very well be counted with one hand.
When Minthara gets a new dialogue which goes against her current writing and the existing events in the game, do you see her fans publicly harassing her writer on social media? No, we�re not mad at an individual, we�re frustrated at the game company behind this for the lack of care put into her.
This issue with Minthara has brewed for a long time - for some it began in EA, for others it started after the release of the game. That bug report link you shared? I have it
bookmarked, I�ve tested and reported bugs for roughly 6 months and eventually arranged them in a spreadsheet. Do they get fixed? Some of them, sure, more specifically 13 out of a whopping total of
28 bugs and probably more that I haven�t yet documented. If you (whoever is reading this) aren't aware, there has
never been a state where Minthara is completely bug-free. If you happen to avoid them by luck, good for you, but just so you know: no other companion suffers from this.
I�m grateful to Larian just as much, this is mostly because they�re one of the few �big� companies left who still care about improving their game. We have to be grateful for the �bare minimum� as this is the video game company standard. In the case of Minthara, what people are asking is for them to simply
do their job. So no, sorry, this is not entitlement. We have to judge the game by the standard they've set for themselves and, at the end of the day, Minthara is still lacking the most basic functions of a companion
on top of her bugs.
We've waited for a long time, 7 months to be precise, and we will continue to wait - but some of us won't
stay patient. That is to be expected as well.