Originally Posted by melgreg
While I understand those who see Astarion’s story revolving around the cycle of abuse, I have always viewed it more as a narrative about what it means to have freedom.

I think spawn Astarion is truly free, and this is the happier outcome for him. AA will always be a slave to his appetites; for blood, power, luxury. I actually imagine him as insatiable in this respect. Nothing will ever quite be enough to satisfy him, he’ll just keep chasing more for eternity.

Which doesn’t mean Tav can’t be happy to sit by his side and watch the bloody show unfold. I actually believe AA wants them there as an audience and a source of support; they complete him in the sense that having a devoted, adoring consort fulfills his ideal image of a ruler. He also acknowledges several times that they are more powerful as a united force.

Interesting thoughts!
I look at the story differently. But generally coherent with the style of thinking.
I was thinking about the "permissiveness" story here.

You are right Tav can be on the same page doing various vice, what Astarion approves and enjoy permissiveness.
Overall it's great to let the different dynamics of the romance play out.