They recommend lowering the resolution. You need to go lower.

On my system (M1 Max 16" Macbook Pro 64 GB, with "ProMotion" adaptive refresh and XDR display settings):

  • Editing the resolution in graphicsSettings.lsx to be 768x480 was almost enough to get 60 fps inside dialogue scenes.
  • For less extreme moire, setting the resolution to 960x600 in the graphics menu resulted in 30 fps in dialogues.
  • For more "cinematic" dialogue, you can change the resolution to 1280x800, with which I got mean framerates of 20-25 in dialogue scenes.

In my testing, other "quality" settings had a performance impact of slim–none.

Now, you might say:
"hold on, 1280x800? Is it 2005?"
And the answer is: Yes. Everybody was too busy playing Resident Evil 4 on PS2 for someone to run this patch on a mac before shipping.