Reposting this from a comment I made on the Steam forum for Hotfix #21:

Larian built up a lot of goodwill with me. First, they produced a great game. Second, they released it for the Mac with great performance. Thirdly, they have been steadily improving the game and fixing bugs over time. All of this is great.

However, this "fix" reveals some serious issues with Larian's quality control. It completely broke play on Macs (at least Apple Silicon) and nothing has been done to fix this in over a week. Effective controls would have made this impossible.

First, all hotfixes should be tested before they are published. I understand some minor bugs or bugs that only show up with certain hardware configurations or in specific game circumstances could be missed. No testing is perfect. However, this bug makes the game unplayable on most if not all Macs in almost all game situations. ANY testing on Macs would have caught this. There are only two possibilities. The release was not tested on Macs; or it was tested, they knew it would make the game unplayable, and they released it anyway. Neither reflects well on the company.

Second, once the issue was known they had two options. Fix it within a short period of time (say 24 hours) or, if this was not possible, rollback the hotfix until the bug could be fixed. They did neither. They have left the game essentially unplayable on one of the supported platforms for over a week.

My guess is that hotfixes are developed of the PC and then ported to the other platforms. The Mac team might be under time pressure to complete the port quickly so that it can be released to PC players, who are the main market (Larian having committed to simultaneous releases). Therefore, corners are cut to try to meet tight deadlines. This might also be why Larian does not want to roll back the hotfix as it *only* affects Mac players.

As I mentioned in my introduction, Larian built up a stock of goodwill with me. However, the longer Larian delays fixing this bug, the more that goodwill dissipates. As Gale might say, if it does not get fixed soon, I might become a tad malcontent.