hey everyone there is a solution.

keep Chess opening and launch BG3 with full screen.

thanks for steam player biggsy29, this is his post on 14/03 10:01 PM

As seen in other threads concerning this issue, people mentioned that they forced the Game Mode on by opening Chess and going to full screen.
I tried this and an information box came up to say Game Mode was on, I left chess running opened BG3 in another window and yes it worked and the game ran fine.
So it’s obvious that for some reason the last patch is somehow not forcing the Mac into Game Mode , I sent a message to Larian giving them the info but just got the standard computerised reply suggesting remedies that have been tried over and over.

i've tried this solution, it works better, but still not smooth as before.

Last edited by lsdreamer; 17/03/24 03:44 AM.