Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by Shyshyn4ik
Tav is a mortal, sooner or later he will die, and spawn Astarion will live forever and every day he loses his "humanity" according to the law of the DnD, since you mention Forgotten Realms. Spawns are monsters without emotions and real feelings, obsessed with bloodlust... Their nature is irreversible. Unlike AA , who gained the feelings and desires of a mortal . So who's the monster after that?
Astarion spawn, according to your own words, if the characters need to be shown as they are, there should be no desires at all except bloodlust. However, this was exactly what happened in the epilogue for origin spawn, when he was dancing madly about to drink to the last drop of some aristocrat in a cave.

My guess is that the spawn lore will change appropriately when the newest DnD version comes out, giving spawn more personality.

Regardless, I'm not sure what you're arguing. You're saying that you think spawn Astarion is a monster? And somehow that means ascended Astarion is not a monster?

Claiming that Ascended Astarion is not evil or a monster is a conversational circle I don't think it's worth going around. You're certainly entitled to believe that, but to my way of thinking, it's like if someone came up to me and said water isn't wet. At some point, it's not even worth having the conversation. I just don't know how to reply to that viewpoint.

Then provide me with a proof that spawns possess: "empathy, human feelings, tenderness, care and affection" according to the canon of DnD 5, the edition on which BG3 was created and on which it is based. From the Bestiary, the Book of the Master and the history of Strahd. Then, we will discuss what a "nice and soft cat spawn Astarion" is.
Your fantasies about the "new edition" are your fantasies. I might as well prove that Astarion has actually always been a true vampire and just tricked Tav,, because during the ritual he does not drink Cazador's blood, as well as because all the spawn are connected to him in some "magical" way, and he knows after the "first" bite of Tav that on in the morning, my head will stop hurting and nothing terrible will happen.

Last edited by Shyshyn4ik; 18/03/24 02:01 AM.