Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
And I will maintain that the Bride thing is entirely a headcanon that's not present in the text of the game. Or if it's actually what's intended, then it's terrible game writing. They're vaguely bride at an idea only super hardcore fans could possibly know.

*Of course the headcanon and bad game writing, because those in charge of the game are "first year students" (No).
And there are no references in the game to it. It's the players' imaginations. And of course, Astarion's words that "you are my consort" cannot be taken seriously, he is a charlatan and a liar, he meant pet or spawn. And the reference to "bride" can only be understood by hardcore fans, because Astarion never names Tav/Durge as a spouse. Never. Not once. Or it's just a figure of speech, nothing more. AA can't control Baal's child (and Tav, too) yet there's a worm, but that rule doesn't work with kisses. With kisses, he shows true face. That's why Durge/Tav like a frightened sheep is looking at AA. An unexpected twist that an evil character became evil, ?ven with his love interest, it's normal, it always happens that way. Oh well.*

"sounds of sarcasm"

It's just good game writing so that each player can interpret differently. But okay, you know best.
Thank you for taking the time to explain)