Originally Posted by LiryFire
Originally Posted by Zayir
Posting SA/DV context on Valentine's day

Even if the edgy joke, look how vampirically wrong it is, darkly, uh-oh.
It's just silly when there's a tadpole plot, Tav can break up...
And when you look at Tav's responses, at the narrative (above) it gets even more and more silly, confused.
And then you remember DU which is high from pain and you realize how sloppy it all was.

The most funny thing is: Tav is happy: Could I kiss you? Astarion: yes, Darling! Tav is unhappy, screaming like being killed, THEN, suddenly, HE ENJOYS the kiss, and then SUDDENLY back to disgust and anger and sadness.
Astarion says: "I do rather like that, you know" and Tav, who was just pissed-off, screaming like being R* by a sexual predator, is laughing. He is laughing. This whole thing is so ridiculous and abstruse, I laughed so hard about this nonsense and terrible, terrible inconsistent writing. Every dime novel is better written than that. And all those people here.. you know... those are not playing this route, it's so funny. I feel like I would live in the outer space here. That's not real xD

"I would, thank God, watch the universe perish without shedding a tear."