Originally Posted by jinetemoranco
Originally Posted by Marielle
It also depends on the country. It depends on the mentality in different countries, including the comfort of living, the general level of security. I read that AA is more often ascended in less prosperous countries (maybe in them people value real things, including strength and security, more than ideas of "goodness", I don't know), but it was the opinion of one author without statistical data and confirmations. But of course, the real ratio can only be known by Larian themselves.

What I've very anecdotically noted is that it seems a prominent amount of AA fans are from Russia. He seems much more popular there.

It could seem so, but I am not sure, in general there are a lot of russian people liking Astarion, whether he is a spawn or ascended. So I wouldn't consider it true without a proof.

"I would, thank God, watch the universe perish without shedding a tear."