Originally Posted by Argyle
As far as BG4 goes, maybe it is time to just let the franchise end.
This may be the biggest understatement ever!!! (And to be clear, I totally agree with this.)

And I stand by my claim that we won't be seeing another quality D&D-based game for a good long while. We already have Sawyer from Obsidian publicly stating they will never again work with Hasbro/WotC. I'm quite sure inXile, another studio that wanted to make BG3, feels the same way. A lot of people in the gaming world were very angry with WotC's decision last year to pull the plug on five D&D game projects that were, by all accounts, progressing very well, leaving those studios and their employees high and dry. I'm pretty sure we're done with D&D RPGs for a while. At most we'll get more of the silly mobile-only games and that's it.