Originally Posted by celestielf
it makes me wonder how much of BG3's wild popularity relied on what people saw in its potential rather than what the game actually is.

Certainly for me, much as I love the game BG3 is, I also thought its reach exceeded its grasp. Which I’m glad of, as if Larian had played it safe then I wouldn’t have got those tantalising glimpses of what could be, but I am disappointed that we won’t now get a BG game from them that wholly lives up to BG3’s potential. Given the scale of what Larian tried to achieve, I feel it would have been too much to expect them to make my perfect RPG straight off, but with the groundwork firmly in place and ready to build on, I reckon they might have got there had they been willing to try again,

But while disappointed, I’m not entirely surprised that’s not the technical or creative challenge they want, and I’d prefer they embarked on a game they were passionate about rather than try to do something because of fan demand or money that their heart wasn’t in.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"