Originally Posted by Cahir
Well, I think you should give other genres a try. Owlcat's Rogue Trader has one of the best writing I've seen (personally, I find it comparable to PST or Disco Elysium). This shit is absolutely top notch, providing you are a fan of walls of text. Fallout, especially first two games are also great and there is a spiritual successor, Broken World coming next month. The only issue I see for you is that all of those games are turn-bssed, but I have a hard time to find a RTwP game you could potentionally not played yet.
I think you meant Broken Roads, and yes I have that game on my Steam wishlist. Also New Arc Line.

I'm okay giving a TB game a try if it checks off most of my other major preferences (story-rich, strong character development, great world-building, extensive dialogue trees/good writing, choices with meaningful consequences, noncombat paths to resolve encounters and quests, NOT first person perspective, party-based, single-player). But I'm angry with Owlcat over Rogue Trader for not including the RTwP option the same way they included the TB option in the Pathfinder games. Feels deliberately discriminatory to me personally since I was one of the first people to back the first Pathfinder game, backed the second one too, and bought all the DLCs.