Originally Posted by Brainer
Do you even need such production values in the first place if they mostly go towards cinematics, and those aren't all that great in the first place?

I reject your notion that it's not "all that great in the first place."

It's exceptionally well done. You can certainly cherry pick the occasional buggy moment, but overall, it's the result of real skill and effort. The success of BG3 speaks for itself, and it's shallow to reduce that success to nothing more than "bear sex." The game succeeded because of the cinematics, the voice acting, and the excellent character writing. Yes, excellent. Those characters came alive for so many people. That doesn't happen with hack writers.

It's fair if it's not to your taste. I think it's remarkably well done. You don't. Let's just call it a no-brainer.

Originally Posted by Taril
I mean, the original post I was responding to wasn't strictly about CRPG's...

Yes, it was. The part of the post that you didn't quote said:

Originally Posted by JandK
Until another crpg by any developer can match or exceed what Larian has done in this regard, I'm not interested.