Current patch with hotfixes updated today:

- 10-15 fps in an Wyrm's rock fortress with group doing nothing but walk outside in the area before Gortash.
- Campsite (docks) however is back to a more reasonable FPS (bouncing between 35-50)
- Facemaker's boutique area outside and inside shop 28 FPS on average.

Game mode is on. Activity monitor seems to show nothing under pressure (CPU or memory). The macbook is RAPIDLY heating up to worrisome levels and feels sluggish to the point that I had to close BG3 after those quick tests. Fans went wild and it's VERY hot to the touch. Before patch 6 it got really warm but was not like this.

After letting it cool, I opened Patch 6 (no hotfixes ROLLBACK) to compare FPS and overheating:

- Same spot in Wyrm's rock fortress. Bouncing between 60-78 FPS.
- Campsite (docks) 60-65 FPS
- Facemaker's boutique 30-41 FPS

The rollback version is making my Macbook very warm, fans are on but not 'fans screaming, almost burns to touch' levels that the current version was having before I had to close BG3. (Sorry for such vague temperature readings but I don't have a temperature monitor installed. I can if that info would be of help though.)

Edited to add:
I'm getting the FPS readings from using the terminal command
/bin/launchctl setenv MTL_HUD_ENABLED 1
not the Steam FPS overlay since I've never had that actually show up on Mac despite enabling those Steam settings a few times to try it out.

M2 Macbook Pro, 16GB

Edited again to add that I've rolled back to patch 6, no hotfixes, not because it was working best on that one (it got buggier as time went on) but because rolling back too far meant too much to re-play through since saves aren't backwards compatible (which is understandable). I would have gone back further to a more stable version, pre-patch 6 otherwise but I'm so close to the end I'd rather not do it all over again.

Please don't read this as me hating BG3, the team made something very special with this game and I love it dearly. But it is getting buggier and buggier with each patch and/or the further into the story I get.

Last edited by Grim Kitty; 27/03/24 09:58 PM. Reason: Adding info