Originally Posted by Salo
Hello all,

Could you confirm if you've experienced an improvement in the performance in Mac after the most recent Hotfix 23?

You shouldn't have to ask us about this. Larian should be testing releases for the supported platforms (including Mac) so they should know if the fix has solved the problem. This is not a bug specific to certain hardware or game situations - it pretty much breaks all game play on all Macs (admittedly there is some variation, but the problem is evident everywhere). Virtually any testing on Mac would reveal if the problem is solved.

I posted this in the hotfix #23 thread, but repeat this here as it might be relevant (with some minor edits). I think Larian has three options:

1) Fix the bug soon: Obviously the best outcome, but it clearly isn't a simple bug to fix or it would have been done by now.
2) Roll Mac users back to the functioning version of the game (hotfix 20): Would allow Mac users to play, but would presumably break cross platform multiplayer and any post hotfix 21 saves.
3) Give up on Macs and offer refunds to all Mac users: The nuclear option and lose-lose for everyone - Larian loses money, Mac users lose perhaps the flagship game released on Mac. It might also discourage other developers for developing for Mac.

Obviously, the first option is the best if it is possible. I assume Larian is working towards this but, if so, they need to communicate with Mac users about their progress, how long it is expected to take to fix, and what if anything we can do to help. I know Larian fired the firm that handled the original port and I suspect that the in house Mac developers they hired as replacements don't understand how to fix the bug. This is just speculation, so I hope I am wrong. The longer this takes, though, the more my suspicions rise.

If the first option is not possible, I think Larian needs to consider option 2. I don't play cross-platform, but I understand that cross-platform play with Mac users is close to impossible now anyway. And I think most Mac users have stopped playing the game on hotfixes 21-23 anyway, so will not lose much progress if reverting to hotfix 20 saves. Once they fix the problem, they can bring Mac users up-to-date with the other platforms. I know it is possible to roll back manually, but this is a bit hacky and something many users will not want to do (and shouldn't have to do for a game that they paid for).

Option 3 is a last resort that I hope is unnecessary. However, Larian should understand that they cannot keep money paid by users unless they offer them a functional product. Most countries have consumer laws about this.

I appreciate Larian's effort in trying to bring this game to Mac, and the work they do to fix bugs and update the game. However, the current situation for Mac users is unacceptable.