Originally Posted by Taril
In the modern day, purchasing ANY game on release seems like more of a gamble than it's worth. So many botch releases, half-finished games and glorified early access "Full releases"...

It's the same idea about why pre-ordering has been dumb since the switch to digital distribution (At least back in the days of physical retail, pre-ordering meant you reserved a copy to ensure you got one before it sold out. With digital distribution there's lliterally infinite copies available)

Even for particularly well regarded games it's still often worth waiting a while for bugs to be patched out and any extra content to be added post-release (Something that Elden Ring did as well as BG3).

These days, the only game I'll preorder is an FFXIV expansion. And that's an MMO, so it's never expected to be "finished". Still, I know that there will be bugs, but I also know that the story will be hugely fulfilling and will be playable.