Originally Posted by Ikke
Originally Posted by Staunton
Originally Posted by Ikke
I would be pleased with a new Larian game not being based on D&D, because there is too much immersion killing silliness going on there.

Right, the next Larian project will surely come without immersion breaking silliness.

Abandoning D&D will certainly help. D&D is a Frankenstein's monster of regurgitated toddler fantasy tropes, the epitome of silliness. The social value of tabletop D&D is to be appreciated, but its score on creative, sensible world building is near zero.

Abandoning D&D won't help because the silliness a lot of people have issue with seems to just be a baked in part of Larian storytelling. I'm not super familiar with the Forgotten Realms, but what I have seen and heard is certainly derivative in places, but as far as inherent siliness goes, a DM can easily dial it up or down to their liking for the story they're trying to tell.