Originally Posted by Jordaker
Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by kanisatha
BG3 is NOT canon. WotC has repeatedly said over the years that anything from D&D video games is explicitly NOT cannon. Only WotC-released printed source materials are canon.

Yeah, I guarantee you this follow up to Descent into Avernus is canon. Gortash is canon. Astarion is canon. Orpheus is canon.

The only question is which direction will be canon. Did Astarion ascend or not? Those are the type of things up for discussion when it comes to canon.

Denial doesn't change what we all know to be true. This is a big part of the Forgotten Realms setting now.

"Denial doesn't change what we all know to be true." You should try practising what you preach. The events surrounding Gortash, Asterion and Orpheus in BG3 exist only in BG3. How is this "a big part of the Forgotten Realms setting now"? Has it featured in any WotC printed source material?
Yes exactly. All of this gets to be canon only if WotC decides that it will be so. And yes, they could do so, for example by releasing a new game module based on the events of BG3 and featuring some of the characters from BG3. But they have not yet done any such thing, not announced any such thing. So as of now, BG3 is not canon, in the same way that BG 1 and 2 were never canon.