Originally Posted by dwig
Originally Posted by Ranxerox
Why the hate for Abdel Adrian? I only know of him from the FR wiki where he is described in positive terms.

Abdel Adrian is equivalent to picking a race, gender, and class progression for Tav, and then making THAT canon.

Ok, this was helpful and led me to some other discussions online and now I get that people dislike the character because of the poorly written novels and/or because in the game he's essentially Tav.

Having pondered this and the above ongoing discussion I do have a deeper appreciation for the issues of canon as it relates to something like DnD. It's definitely something that gets infinitely more complicated the more popular the subject becomes, and the more content that gets added to it. I've been struck about the passion shown by some posters regarding the whole Astarion ascension issue as well as the presentation of Viconia and Saverok in BG3. Its amazing how attached people can become to these characters and settings. I guess that is a big part of the attraction of CPRG's.

haha I found this online after I first posted it, thought I would share it for context.

"I remember my brother once tried to play BG1, to see why I was so obsessed about the game.

He created a stereotypically brainless fighter with mediocre stats and little intelligence, despite not knowing what min-maxing was, the character barely got through it's first fight and cared little about anything or anyone, ignored side quests to flesh things out and also promptly kicked out Khalid asap, by having the character die soloing trash and kicking the greyed out portrait from the party, so the character couldn't be resurrected. He got as far as recruiting Xan, only to try and have him as a frontline character, then kicked him out too as soon as the portrait went grey.

That's what Abdel Adrian is. An idiot.

The novelisation remains the only book I've ever used for kindling.

Athans also wrote a book in the War of the Spider Queen series for WotC, I remember at the time, people said it was the weakest novel of the series, yet the series was apparently his idea in the first place. I have no idea if that is true and I fear finding out because he also wrote BG2 and that was also just as shit as the first one."

Last edited by Ranxerox; 04/04/24 11:09 PM.