I say this as someone who has had literal breakdowns where something about this game was the straw that broke the camel's back: The idea they should burn themselves out and work with a company they don't agree with morally to make fans happy is honestly incredibly self-centered. They should work with a company that don't agree with on a moral level so people can play more of a game they like? They should not only burn themselves out, but do so without ever even mentioning it publicly?
Do you seriously think that artists and creators shouldn't ever acknowledge the burnout that comes from working on the same project for so long? Or how they don't like the restrictions that were put on them? Or talk about being excited to work on something new? Or express how they're hoping to outdo themselves on their next project? How is that tone deaf? And how does any of that actually affect you more than it affects the actual devs?
Like seriously, I get how very literally something like this can be a lifeline. But the developers are real people with real feelings and real lives. It's ridiculous to expecti them to not only burn themselves out to continue making a game you like, but to also get upset that they don't take your feelings into consideration when talking about their experiences.
Imagine you worked at Walmart and were treated like crap, and decided to get a job at target that comes with a nice raise instead. Would you seriously pretend you weren't excited when telling a customer you see daily you won't be working there anymore? How would you feel if they then got insulted and complained to your manager because they don't want to go to Target to see you? Would you feel like it was tone deaf?