Originally Posted by emberstorm
Originally Posted by Tortl11974
I think there is no good reason to argue about this and most of the criticism is in bad faith (i.e., trolling or bigotry) because the supposedly disturbing content is easily avoided by the player. THE GAME HAS A NUDITY SETTING. SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE "PIXEL PORN" SET IT TO NO NUDITY.

1000 times yes! There is nothing more to argue about here.
Anyone who doesn't need sex can simply turn it off. But they don't, and continue to talk about the over-sexualization of the game. Why? Enjoy yourself and let others enjoy it.

The general sentiment from anti-nudity viewpoint is that the time and resources put into making full nude models, animating sex/kissing scenes, writing romance dialogues, implementing approval systems etc. Could have instead been spent on other aspects of the game, aspects that they care about instead of nudity. Thus, its mere existence detracts from the overall game quality even if they never actually interact with it.

Of course, such an argument is predicated on the fact that such resources would have actually been spent elsewhere had these things not existed. Which is a notion that is unsubstantiated. One can imagine that it would be the case, but we don't know.