Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by emberstorm
Originally Posted by Tortl11974
I think there is no good reason to argue about this and most of the criticism is in bad faith (i.e., trolling or bigotry) because the supposedly disturbing content is easily avoided by the player. THE GAME HAS A NUDITY SETTING. SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE "PIXEL PORN" SET IT TO NO NUDITY.

1000 times yes! There is nothing more to argue about here.
Anyone who doesn't need sex can simply turn it off. But they don't, and continue to talk about the over-sexualization of the game. Why? Enjoy yourself and let others enjoy it.
You are both engaging in a straw-man claim that has been refuted multiple times within this thread. So one might ask if you are the ones trolling here. None of us critics have ever said we have a problem with the sex in the game or have objected to any specific instance of sexual representation in the game. The issue being discussed is the purpose and value of the sex in the game, which you would know if you bothered to read through the whole thread.

Is it a "Strawman argument" though? I've read through all of your posts in this thread and I can't say with any precision what it is you object to. Other than repeated assertions that BG3 is "oversexualized" your criticisms lack specifics. You do mention once or twice your theory that Larian included the content to appeal to "younger people" who want sexual content because ...well I'm not sure where you were going with that point.

You also mention more than once that people are attracted to the BG3 sexual content because they can "interact" with the characters in a sexual way. Why is this a problem in regards to sexual content? Isn't the goal of an RPG to make the player feel like they are interacting with the game? It's the same reason people want combat, exploring, decision-making, quests, etc etc. Players want to "role play" and imagine they're in the world with the characters.

So what is it exactly that you don't like about the sexual content in BG3? What leads you to believe it is "oversexualized"? How much sex should there have been? Since you insist more than once to be open to sexual content in games (ie the basis of your "Strawman" claim) what would have been a more appropriate amount?

How would Kanisatha have implemented sex in BG3?

Asked in honest curiosity.

Last edited by Ranxerox; 09/04/24 11:26 PM.