Originally Posted by Count Turnipsome
It kind of makes me wonder if the person who wrote Viconia in BG3 actually even played BG2 at all, or if they just sort of skimmed through the character roster and thought "Hey, an evil drow who worships Shar? That could kinda fit the villain we want for Shadowheart!"

You don't say.
ANYTHING tied to the previous games, in terms of world building or NPCs is a disappointment. Wonder why (hint: Salad dressing).

If we did a poll on who has played and finished Baldurs Gate 1 and 2, bet you 7 out of 10 BG3 gamers haven't even touched these games, and the remaining probably played for a couple hours.
I'd argue that probably 1 out of 10 BG3 gamer actually played through the originals, and even less with all the amazing mods out there that makes the game 5x more interesting. I clocked in over 400 hours for BG2 will all story/quests/expended npc story mods.

Im not seing lots of 40+ year olds in Larian's staff that worked on BG3's story and character dev....I highly doubt most played through the games either. And nowadays with gamers having the attention span of an EDGY DUCK, no way they can enjoy these amazing games before starting to complain about "accessibility" and "quality of life" this and that.

I can see it....the first team meeting at Larian HQ , pre-EA, Swen in armor asking everyone "So, who has played the previous Baldur's gate games!?"....and the awkward silence. lol. "WEll!!! Get to iT!!".

Larian probably had someone come up with a LIST of boxes to check to somehow tie to the previous games. I highly doubt it took much thought.

Who cares anyways. The 3 in Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't mean anything in this day and age. True for so many older IPs.
I wish studios made new original IPs instead of cashing in past successes. Really happy Larian is moving on to an original project. 100% support.

This seems a bit myopic. First, while I absolutely love the original BG games, many of the "quality of life" improvements that have become typical to games over the years are absolutely point blank humongous improvements. Early game gameplay in BG1 especially is total jank. Second, I don't actually think it's true that people can't enjoy these old-school games. I mean, there was an isometric renaissance (that probably LED to BG3) where a lot of the games played fairly similarly to the original Baldurs Gate series. So I don't actually think there's some humongous barrier preventing newer gamers from enjoying these games. I bet a lot of people bought into the series by 3 will go check out the previous titles.

Third, while the average fan of BG3 probably hasn't played the originals, we're not discussing an "average" gamer. We're discussing members of the Larian game studio, specifically those that worked on BG3. I think you should at least expect that the average person from that group should have some knowledge of the originals. I mean, you don't have to be 40+ to have played the originals. They came out around 25 years ago. I'm not 40 and I definitely played through and enjoyed them when they came out, though I am probably on the younger side of those who did, lol. But even long after they came out they remained popular and impactful.

Last edited by WizardGnome; 10/04/24 04:05 PM.