
I went back and replayed DoS2 again just to take a break between BG3 runs (I lost count how many I have done now). I loved DoS2 and still had a great time going back to it, but there were 2 things which really stood out that BG3 did better that I would love to see Larian carry forward to their next game:

1. The interface

I feel that after so many iterations in early access and post launch Larian completely nailed the interface especially on console. I would love to see that just carried forward instead of trying to come up with something new and revolutionary. I remember what the interface felt like at the beginning of early access and having to keep requesting features which were already present in DoS2 (e.x. hold A to search/loot). The interface and how you interact with the world in BG3 is just fantastic and it would be great to just start off early access (assuming there is one) with that interface as a starting point. Please don't mess with perfection.

2. A more traditional armor system

Going back to DoS2 was a blast because the characters, skills, etc. are all SO good, but one thing that really stood out after playing BG3 is that the physical armor/magic armor system really forces how the player approaches combat. Every time I play an encounter in BG3 I have unlimited choice in how I approach the combat because every type of character has a pretty equal chance of successfully taking out any enemy. It really lets me get creative in my play. In DoS2, it feels like my choices are cut in half or even less because my characters who can strip physical armor need to always attack the enemies with less physical armor and my characters who can strip magic armor need to attack enemies with low magic armor. When coming up with the systems for the new game I would love to see something similar to the BG3 armor system which really opens up my options on how I approach combat. This freedom of choice is why I just can't stop playing BG3.

Congratulations on BAFTA GoTY!!! Well deserved! I cannot wait to see what your amazing team will come up with next.