Yes, he mentions many good challenges, including: "Marketing dictates game design". This is also familiar from other industries such as music and acting. Why are the movies usually worse than the books, because a book only has one author and that author is hardly under any time pressure to write his/her work until he/she finds it perfect.

Siege of Avalon by Digital Tome - Played any good books lately?

It's no shame if you don't have the technical possibilities of a one-to-one implementation. On the contrary, it's even a good thing if you intentionally and skillfully leave some details to the imagination of the individual, e.g. Abdel Adrian should never have existed. Especially if you have an excellent basis (book: storytelling etc.), then you can also achieve a lot via other stylistic devices. Just like with Blair Witch Project (nice reference in BG 2's with the Umar Hills Witch) or DARTH MAUL: Apprentice - A Star Wars Fan-Film

Many cooks spoil the broth. It takes a lot of determination and also management that has the team's back so that their own creative development potential can blossom instead of being eaten away by constraints and greed for money.