We've already established that the marketing for this game was horribly over-sexed, and it's set up a rather incorrect perception of the game outside the fandom circles. As i said before, they could have put more sex in the game and i still would not think it was too much.

There's only been one major update that's been very focused on the relationships and adding new stuff to that, and it was the valentine's update. Every other update has had a mixed bag of bug fixes and content, and there's still content to come, although it will apparently be evil focused, so I'm expecting more epilogues for evil choices made at the end of the game.

I would not blame the slow rate of bug-fixes on the the team somehow being forced to focus on the relationships in the game, I'd much rather direct people to something said by Swen regarding the relationship with Hasbro, and how Hasbro pushed for the 2023 release, which means the game was effectively released 3/4 months too early. It's not surprising, publishers pushing release dates up and making things difficult for devs is unfortunately common practice in this industry.

I've also not found the polyam content to be excessively pushed in-game. Like most of the romantic content, it's hard to accidentally find yourself in a polycule. One of my first play-throughs was romancing Wyll, who is very much only interested in monogamy. I told Halsin no, and he took that answer and didn't push anymore. Wyll said no to the Drow twins and being a good partner I was able to politely refuse as well. Wyll is written to be very reasonable and clearly states his boundaries, both things i really appreciated. Gale's romance in relation to the polyam stuff is not as good, and I was surprised at how mean and manipulative you can be with him when he tries to establish his boundaries.

But this is a flaw in the consistency of the writing, not it's content. I wish that your interactions with Gale (and, to a lesser extent, Karlach) were more similar to your responses with Wyll in regards to setting boundaries. I actually have many such criticisms regarding the sexual content in this game.

Last edited by Piff; 18/04/24 01:57 AM.